I spent all day Friday at Jims with a visit over to Anderson Aviation to see all of the vintage aircraft. Travelling back down there on Tuesday to work on it and have lunch with the Fast Friends.
Tim, your build is progressing nicely. That is the same location I am planning to put my filler cap. I opted for the scaled down cap. Now I wish I had gotten one like yours.
Plan is to have this at the Speedster Reunion this summer in Lincoln. There will be a display of all the speedsters that Jim Huseby has built and hopefully mine along side of them. Not a speedster with the V12 by any means but I was asked if I could display it.
That Aviation place is amazing isn’t it?? Last time I was there they were reskinning a ‘30s Waco if I recall correctly.
Their grandad's Henderson 4 that he hand built is amazing. They were in the process of reskinning three when I was there and was treated to seeing one take off that was visiting from Wichita. Hope to visit again soon to pick up a 27 Chevy chassis.
I just found this build thread and amazing work and awesome car. Also great collection of rare bits too …