Im looking for inspiration for my next build and really like this pickup in the picture that @nostalgia59 originally posted. Can anyone help with either more pictures of it or any information on it please?
Can't help with any other photo's of Tim's truck, but I can post the original without all the photo-bucket B.S. This pic was taken at the 1954 Pan-Pacific show. Mick
This is my friend Johns 34. Maybe will inspire you. This truck is perfect, down to every nut ,bolt, and washer.
Looks like a fine truck Mikey! Why do you think of the black frame? I prefer body colored frames when they are this visible.
Hod Rod Magazine May 1955(Greene/Medley)......all the pics and info you should need.
I've been getting a resurgence in emails from them over the last couple weeks to recover my account, bastards.
A hot spot in hell is fair dinkum for the CEO of Photobucket...... The rest of the Board Of Directors should have the Photobucket watermark branded on their asses with a red hot poker by a slow-moving sign painter at a minimum....... ....and they should all get a free touch-up every time anyone anywhere has to post one of the violated photos. Photobucket !invited! those of us to use the service for "free". Many of us did, and out of an excess of trust, we didn't back up unmolested copies somewhere else. But !no one! gave them permission to spray paint graffiti over our privately owned photos. They should have just removed the "free" offer and given us a window of time to salvage what photos have value to us. But instead, they demanded ransom to retrieve what we were originally tricked and told would be "free". Does anyone else smell a class action lawsuit, or is it just me? **Maybe there was some fine print somewhere giving them permission. But if there was, it's a damn sneaky thing to do.
I only used photobucket to post here. so glad I did not store anything there I'd be pissed if the lost all my pics.
I've had a Pro account for years because I have thousands of photos on it but lost some in their change arounds and sharing a photo now is a pain in the as compared to what it used to be. I've got ti sww uf this works even though the truck is a before rather than an after and may belong to someone on here. From Trog at Pismo beach. Well not a total pain just about three extra steps involved. Hey the old fart learned something today.
There is all ways fine Print !! More & more in last 45 years . Bending laws in a way that were not intended