old wives tail..... i ran 'em for years. and they don't wrap up any worse than any others PLUS the CE springs are 4WD mopar FRONT springs...and for the record, i currently have a CE kit under it (48 chevy) now but only because years ago i tried a chevelle 4 link under it and threw the originalls away..
Just talked to Posies and 49-54 chevy car spring dimensions are the same as 41-48. (49" eye to eye) St. Louis Spring said the same thing. Went to look on the link I found and now gives me 49" eye to eye. Must be seeing things...... I think I am just going to try to use the springs I have from JCW and relocate the spring mounts back to stock locations. Here is where everyone else can help. I am looking for dimensional information on the mounts. I believe the back mount was moved about 4" to the rear and the front mount looks like it might have been flipped. Can someone send me a picture of the fron mount so I can if mine are flipped and then could someone take some measurements from the stock suspsension so I can get these located. Thanks alot.
It's been interesting reading all these posts and all the different opinions. Some are almost comical but then that's what hot rodding is all about..to each his own. If I had had the $600 at the time I would have ordered the complete kit from Chassis Engineering as it does it all. Springs, hangers, shocks, shock mounts....I had to do a lot of fabrication to make my stuff work since it was butchered so badly by previous owners. The shocks were the biggest issue since I fabbed the mounts and ended up using VW Beetle shocks from a 72 and I haven't had a lick of problems with the St. Louis Springs that they made 2" lower. I've beat on this car and I drive at 80 mph on the expressway with NO issues. I run a 350 with a 375 automatic (yes that's a correct tranny number) and a 71 Chevelle rear. Later this year I will put in a 700R4 and since I'll most likely need a new driveshaft I will probably do the whole CE kit which will put the wheels in the center of the wheelwell and let me run my 17" wheels without any issues. I talked with a guy in Illinois when I first started trying to fix my rear situation and he offered to sell me any and all his old parts since he had converted all his 41-48 Chevys to the CE kit. I've since stayed in contact with Ken and we've become friends and email back in forth as well as met up at the Nationals this past summer. This is a great place to get some answers and opinions and meet some good people and actually meet up with them. There usually are no wrong answers to these questions so keep asking. Keep us up to date and if you can't get the measurements or whatever you need, now with the weather getting better I'll get out and get under the old 41 and take whatever measurements you still need. Chevs of the Forties usually has everything you'd ever need but if you're own a budget like me they are way too expensive for just about everything, especially with shipping. Besides, I feel a whole lot better knowing I fabricated a part out of better grade steel that works just the same and I did it myself.
Sent the JCW springs back on Friday and they will be refunding my money. I am relocating the front and rear spring mount back to original so I can stock springs, but I wanted the back lowered 2". So I called St. Louis spring and they are making me a set. FYI, I had no issues returning the springs to JCW. They sent me Fedex slips to pay for return shipping as well. Very easy. They have a 1 year warranty on everything, so I had to do it by March 20th this year. Thanks to BigChuck for sending pics stock 41 mounts with measurements. I will be sure to post pics when she is sitting on the wheels again. Can't wait.
I think you meant to allow it to slide backwards? They're already forwards too far. I went 1.5" back to center mine. But I also was changing springs so I drilled the new hole in the main leaf, and then just bolted the rest the spring pack together using the new hole and centering pin/bolt. That kept my perch and spring plate centered, and I like it better.
If you're ordering springs just tell them you want the center hole located back 1.5" when they build them.
Old thread, I'd just like to add that I've got Posies rear springs on my 41 Chevy Coupe and can't fault them. Bolted straight on. Rides beautifully. Chris
Just think about a hot engine and drivin hard , these cars had a torque tube and the springs were to support the body weight