Is there a conversion kit to convert my 1947 flathead round type distributor to the crab style? The base looks the same on the 42-45 crab style as the 46-48 round style.
You just need shorter clips to hold the cap on, along with the crab cap and rotor. Before the Ford parts places carried them VW bug clips are short enough to work also.
Much easier wiring into the cap, shorter distance helps with fan clearance and looks older for the same performance. The later style with the "rabbit ears" is post-war up until '48. It was designed for prevent moisture issues people reported with the "crab" style. Simply adding rubber boots to the wires going into the cap pretty much eliminates any issues.
I don't know about a kit, but the parts are readily available. I did it to the 59A in my 40 Ford last year
We created the kit…’s basically the group of parts involved: crab cap + crab rotor + the pair of wire side clips that secure the cap to the distributor body. It’s not unique to us. You can buy the parts from most early V8 vendors. Here’s a picture link: