Taking the bucket seats and console from a 65 Coronette and installing them in a 64 Fury,going through the console wiring harness to see where everything goes and have a question. Does the reverse lights have constant power,the neutral safety switch has only one wire going to it so I presume the switch on the shifter is for the reverse lights but it shares the same power source as the clock and that has to be constant power.
This shows the bulbs connected to ground. Violet wire goes forward to either auto or man trans switch. This is fed by a White wire that also connects to wiper switch and goes to the center console connector. It doesn't show the other side. I'd guess that the feed to the switch is keyed so it didn't stay on all the time if in R. Neutral safety switch is a whole other location, Brown wire. I know later AT switches were 3 prong. https://blogger.googleusercontent.c...oronet+Complete+Electrical+Wiring+Diagram.jpg
64 Plymouth Fury. The neutral safety switch is on the Torqueflite and then goes to the starter relay. As mentioned the back up switch- one white wire gets power from wiper swich that is powered only when ign switch is on. The other white feeds the back up lamp.
The reason I asked this is the plug that most likely goes to a optional clock is tied into that white wire and one would think it would be hot all the time. The clock plug has three wires,one is ground and another is tied into the shift indicator/dash lights and then the one I thought was the power wire that is connected with the white wire. It makes sense its switched and that is what I thought it should be but why would the clock get switched power or could that be for a tach?.
I describe the circuits, provide a WD and then you ask about a completely different thing. Look it up.
The mention of '64 Plymouth jars old memories. I had a bare bones '64 Plymouth fifty years ago and it didn't even have back up lights.
Can not blow up that wiring diagram on my phone big enough to see it clearly and just presumed that big hole with the block off plate on the console is for a clock but if the clock was actually somewhere else on the dash and the tach went there then what I thought was the power source should be switched. This car was in pieces when it arrived and has been many years since I seen a complete dash in those years of Plymouths.