Earlier this evening I fired up the Five Seven and did the usual things to take off from our Friday hang out when Carina and I heard a horn go off for a split second. We look at each other and shrug our shoulders and carry on home. Getting home I hit the light switch to set it to running lights and the horn goes off. WTF?! Unplugged a few connections under the hood and quickly determined something was crossing up within the running light/turn signal/horn harness that runs behind the grill. Looking further at the routing the harness was ran between the hood latch striker plate and latch brace. That explains why just 2 days ago when dealing with the hood latch the bolts felt squishy. Did a quick patch job so Carina and I can roll out early tomorrow morning. While covering the car I ran my palm across the driver side hood bullets fin. OUCH!!! It’s then I told Carina “Christine” is mad at me for changing her wheels out from under her.
I'd have a sit down with 'The Gypsy' to learn to control "Christine" Could be leaving the 'pajamas off' will still the objections. Have you tried using mirrors to settle her hash. Hey it's Friday night. I'm allowed to be a goof
Johnny, she's a lady! I visit my '57 every day and tell her I love her. I sing Joe Cocker's ''You are so Beautiful''. Gotta give 'em attention.
Yea, these old girls get like that. I talk to mine all the time, sometimes it calms her. When your 57 starts going out at night on her own, you have serious problems.
I buy fancy jewelry, make her better than she was when I received her, pamper her on the road. Nope, not enough. Nope, never will that happen. Just cus about her silently with my mind never once moving my lips. Maybe it’s my facial expressions she doesn’t like???
Famous, slightly modified, stolen line from the annual Christmas classic "A Christmas Story" "Be careful with those, you will poke your eye out"
I was married to a woman like that once, I’d mess with her headlights at a certain time and her horn would go off… never figured she had something in common with a 57 Chevy though.
Sounds to me like the 5 7 doesn't like her wires crossed or pinched. Is this the first time she has rebelled? If so, you are a lucky man! My 49 can be a rebellious little snot sometimes. I have to take him to the woodshed and straighten him out once in a while. My wife reminds me that he just wants more attention sometimes. I think they are just like spoiled kids, and we are the ones that spoiled them. We do like to show them off when they behave....
Kerry, they ALL have a pair of headlights.. AND a horn. Don't know what the big deal is. Hell, all my machines hate me... cars, trucks, washing machines, microwave ( that one really pisses me off). I never saw a rail....
I feel the same way. It's a constant battle between the machines and myself...cars, trucks, appliances etc. And even when I score a win, I know it's only temporary...and I will eventually be punished again.
Johnny. At least your 57 seems to only miss behave toward you. My coupe gets an attitude towards me, pisses off neighbors, old ladies, and makes babies cry.
Must have been something built into certain '57's...I had one that hated me back in the late 70s...every time I got into it to cruise around, something broke...freeze plug blew out once, leaving me stranded 10 miles from home...lights would automatically go off at night, brake lights worked occasionally, front wheel fell off once going around a corner and I'd checked the lug nuts before I left the garage...and on and on. I doubt I put 500 miles on the car in the four years I owned it... R-
^^^^^ Then mine loves me. Nearly 3 years having it with 50,000 plus miles on the original engine when I got it. 3000 something miles added since. Only real issue was fuel “pumps”. Something to do with chop sticks I’m told.
My dad owned over 35 different motorcycles. One was a chopped Triumph. Beautiful bike, but he didn't own it long. Said it had cancer. Always something messed up, falling off, keeping him from enjoying it. Christine isn't fiction!