I inherited a 1932 ford with 38-48 rear hydraulic brakes. I added an emergency brake but I have an issue where every so often the cable comes disconnected in the wheel. It appears the only thing holding the circle ball at the end of the cable into the emergency brake mechanism is tension. I’ve tightened the slack out of the cable and it works for a few drives but either a bump or engaging and disengaging it causes the cable to come loose in the wheel. any trick to keep it in place?
Does the cable have this spring on the end? It keeps tension on the ferrule to keep it engaged. Hmmm, not sure what's up, but you have to click on "spring.jpg" in the box below to see the image.
Pardon me if you have these parts installed however there are small retainer clips that install inside the drum. These clips seat against the metal tube where cable passes through the backing plate and tension the parking cable spring inside the drum. You may be missing the clips and the spring has no way of capturing the ball end without tension.
Those would be the parts I’m missing… I remember the emergency brake kit coming with the spring and being like, I don’t know how this spring stays in place without some clip…. thank you all, I’ll check online for that clip and send some photos when I got the wheel off if I run into issues.
I have found the springs too long on some of the repop brake cables. If you find that is a problem, the excess spring can be "left" inside the conduit by inserting the clip between coils of the spring.
Thank you all for photos and yes now that you mention it I do remember the spring being to long because it was a universal kit and I was thinking: it will be fine without it... I should have known it wasn’t fine after it fell off 3 times, haha. Good idea on putting the insert between the coils.
So I got the insert and when installing I broke off this tab holder. I haven’t got around to buying a welder to weld it back in. How critical is it? Can it wait a few months to weld back
Spoiler alert… That tab is needed… I assembled without it and after a few pumps of the brake the mechanism that connects the front and rear shoes becomes disconnected from the emergency brake arm because the arm can flex in and out without that clip holding it in place…