I would like to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR &HAPPY HOLIDAY...and I will make 2025 a better year for me ...( fingers cross)
...Happy 2025 to you and yours. Hope your Boxing Day was great, although I have no idea what that's all about.
Congratulations Tom, I am definitely jealous as none of mine have lasted very long. HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL my Friends, Customers & Fellow Car Crazies! I cannot wait until '25 starts for many reasons as '24 was the worst year of my life...hands down. God Bless Bill https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...ar-transport-hauling-open-or-enclosed.614419/
I can honestly say I am looking forward to the new year, 2024 has taken a toll on me and my family, I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. HRP
2024 is almost behind us. Wishing everyone a prosperous 2025. The 1955 Chevy is 70! The car that ''hit the reset button'' for Chevrolet.
2024 was a tough year for many of us, including myself. Here is to a brighter, better New Year for all Hambers everywhere.
...and on to the next race to the finish line...2025 All the best my Hamb Friends... My year was pretty good but let next year be even better eh!
Happy New Year to all, if you had a bad 24 Keep your chin up, my thoughts and prayers to those you have a hard time in 24. May 25 meet you in a hopeful and good way. Happy anniversary Tom. Oh and keep coming back I need all you hot rod hoodlums, ya all have no idea what this place means to me. Thank you Dan
Absolutely indeedily, Sweetily. You can bet yer sweet warm honey buttered biscuits... I have high hopes for all of us. Happy New Year my frrriends!