I've just heard Fatman Fabrications has ceased operations and many customers with pending orders are SOL and have yet to receive their money back! Am I late to the party or is this breaking news?
Let me help... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/fatman-fabrications.1328537/page-3#post-15463063
well that sucks. got his ultralow suspension on my 49 Chevrolet. he had displays at Pleasanton goodguys for years. still got the cool T shirt.
Yep. Stinks. Used a few parts from em. Did what they were supposed to do Blue collar parts for blue collar builders maybe some of it can be salvaged or carried on by another company
Yes, you are late to the party. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/fatman-fabrications.1328537/
That thread claims they’re still open….. sorta. The website states otherwise. wonder which one is correct
I meet Brett many years ago and have used a lot of parts he made, I have his dropped spindles on the Ranch Wagon. HRP
As far as I know, they are working to clean up open orders and not taking any new ones. I should know more next week.
Where does it say it's still open in the other thread? Even sorta? The only person who seems to have had any direct contact with them gave the same information in the other thread as this. Tim is closing the business and trying to make things right with customers. To me nothing about that says "still open".
The best thing for Tim might be that someone steps up and buys the rights(As in we use Fatmans old design and jigs) and jigs and designs for some of the specialty items that Fatmans did. You won't get rich making dropped spindles but it is a sideline that will pay for the equipment and Produce a profit although small after you get the purchase price paid back.
I suspect we are seeing things as they are happening in real life. The statement from Fatman pretty much states the current position. It tells me they are no longer taking orders, are no longer shipping parts, and have turned all the current open orders over to their Lawyers to sort it all out. If the business was mine, I would do the same thing. Stop everything and find our exactly where you stand, then get the people's deposit money refunded and then figure out where to go from here. It sucks if they have your money, but it might be the fastest way to get it back to you. Just how permanent that "ceased operations" is, may yet to be determined. How deep they are in the hole may well be the biggest determining factor from here, and it may be months before they know that for sure.
One thing for sure, you know the first ones paid will be the Lawyers. The rest of the people will come second, if there is anything left after $400 per hour billing.