Ryan submitted a new blog post: Winfield’s 1962 Ford Econoline Continue reading the Original Blog Post
I'm also not one who enjoys the social requirements of the holiday season. Glad it's just winter now. I seem to remember a lot more pics out there in the past decade or so of the original including a couple next to a big rig for the cavalcade. Might have been the recreation, but remember B&W. another old pic https://nostalgiaonwheels.blogspot.com/2008/05/gene-winfield-econoline-truck.html and another https://www.saac.com/forum/index.php?topic=14641.0 new pics https://customrodder.forumactif.org/t1413-1962-ford-econoline-pacifica-gene-winfield https://vintage-vans.forumotion.com/t32670-pacifica-pickup https://vintage-vans.forumotion.com/t31240-gene-winfields-pacifica https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...ete-history-of-the-legendary-pacifica.836303/ The big rig was something like the H series. I'm no expert on these, so it may have been another type. The window dip is interesting due to the Pacifica treatment and more modern stuff also using it. https://www.curbsideclassic.com/blo...-h-series-jacked-up-c-series-highway-tractor/ It was NOT Big Red, which is a whole other wild path. https://www.thedrive.com/news/37925...emi-truck-big-red-thats-been-lost-for-decades 1964 www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_q8s-Z2JL8 more concepts, no Pacifica https://club.shannons.com.au/club/news/retroautos/fords-fabulous-concepts-of-the-early-1960s/
Ah the holidays... I like to see them come but I love to see them go! Gene had the clone at a workshop I took in 2013 I think it was. He was getting it ready for the Syracuse Nationals. Quite the interesting vehicle.
I love most of the asymmetrical customs and really love this one. As a new auto body vocational graduate I got my first job at a dealership who opened a van customizing shop. Talk about seventh heaven for a 16 year old kid! My pay was $2.25 an hour and I loved it. We worked mostly on new vans (1977) but most of the employees could only afford those 60’s vans themselves. I didn’t get my 63 econoline until many years later, but it was a great van. 6 cyl. And three on the tree. Every car guy should get a chance to drive one of the van/pickup where you sit over the wheels. It’s a life defining experience. Also, most of us having one of these vehicles it was common for your children/friends to sit on the motor housing and ride along, safety first! Next post Ryan, wax nostalgic on some El Camino’s and Rancheros!
@Ryan, I thought Troy Ruttman died of lung cancer? Anyway, The Pacifica to me is one of the best examples of early 60s styling. I love the clean lines. It's part jet-age part Italian stying (as were several of the Ford Custom Car Caravan).
Man I really dig it. I saw the new one in Salina I’m pretty sure and it was like seeing a Weesner drawing in real life. Some where between hot wheels and way far out is where I like to think Gene lands.
pretty cool. only problem I see is the way the door windows are you cannot cruise down the road with your elbow hanging out
Ryan, As you get older your gradual loss of hearing helps with the mind numbing conversations and that expensive holiday china & silverware that she had to have years ago has now become a treasured heirloom after you manage to reduce the place settings due to unintentional? breakage of a few choice pieces, it's paper plates & cheap plastic throw away eating utensils, the lessens the racket you have now eliminated most of the noise and the food is still just as good. HRP
I was thinking about that truck today, I had the wife get me the Nylint repops that the granddaughter of the original Nylint guy is making, One is an Econoline Pickup. I also have an original Nylint Pickup. I was thinking, "maybe cut this sucker up and build a tribute to this truck". As far as the holidays, I could do without them. On top of that the wife won't let me take the tree down. I hate this bullshit.
It's hard to believe that Gene is still roaming around - but has an issue at the moment. https://autotrusta.com/a-gofundme-to-help-ailing-custom-car-icon-gene-winfield-just-raised-98000/
The window on the stock econoline only rolls down about 12”, so kinda hard to hang your elbow out. There was a mild custom econoline truck at GNRS on Saturday between buildings 5 and 8.
I believe this picture was taken in 2016. At LARS show. I got to ride around with Gene in the trunk looking for parts, but mostly stopping to talk to pretty girls!!!
@partssaloon I think he's talking about when you section the door or relieve the bottom for a wheelwell. The late model Pacer had this issue. The designers did something kinda goofy to 'fix' it.