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Technical ***Janudreary 2025 Banger Meet Thread - Another trip around the sun ***

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Jiminy, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. Jiminy
    Joined: Oct 25, 2012
    Posts: 502


    Link to previous month: December 2024 Banger Meet

    Coming Events: (PM Jiminy with additions/corrections)
    Stay safe.

    For the HAMB banger newbies, here are some links to a lot of banger info:

    Jim Brierley's book 4-bangers! And me! is a must read book for all banger enthusiasts. US customers send $34.00 all color except for the oldest pictures (includes S/H in the U.S.A.), PayPal welcome, to:
    Jim Brierley, 39480 Colleen Way, Temecula, CA 92592.
    phone: 951-695-7313.

    A few links to speed equipment companies there may be more

    Bert's, Synder's, Mikes affordable also list some speed performance parts.

    Here is a list of most of the prior monthly banger meet links:

    Banger basics. another info link list:

    The link below shows flywheel lightening dimensions
    and this link shows the missing image from the above post

    The 4 Banger hot rod picture thread.

    Model B rod bearing insert numbers

    Engine tuning with a Vacuum gauge

    Adjusting dual Strombergs:

    Helpful Model A tools and tips:

    Gary in MN's late model Malory distributor conversion for A/B engine:

    Elrod's stuck head tech:

    Model A generator to alternator conversion:

    Gear ratio / speed and RPM calculator:

    Model A master cylinder mounting bracket ideas:

    Go here to read the 1931 edition of Harry Ricardo's book "The High Speed Internal Combustion Engine"

    Chevy Banger Stuff

    Post 198 starts a great discussion of the shape of a flat head combustion chamber

    T-5 5 speed in a Torque Tube:

    Model A & B Style Cast Iron Cylinder Head Compression Ratios.
    winduptoy likes this.
  2. Kevin Pharis
    Joined: Aug 22, 2020
    Posts: 630

    Kevin Pharis
    from Califunny

    Check that out… first again!:cool:

    Happy new year fellas!
    jet996, Outback and winduptoy like this.
  3. Dan from Oakland
    Joined: Jan 16, 2009
    Posts: 221

    Dan from Oakland

    Is it really 1st if there is no race? He He !!
    Outback and winduptoy like this.
  4. Checking in
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  5. Crazydaddyo
    Joined: Apr 6, 2008
    Posts: 3,362


    Happy New Year
    Outback and winduptoy like this.
  6. Stovebolt
    Joined: May 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,590


    January, dreary for some, but summer down here.

    I'm placing to replace the rear shockers on the coupe.

    Not too many reasonable used ones around though, so it'll be quiet a while to get the $ for new ones. Bugger
    Outback and winduptoy like this.
  7. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    Merry Motoring and Happy Next Gear
    jet996 and G Baese like this.
  8. meteorpete
    Joined: Aug 17, 2007
    Posts: 52


    Getting my banger motor back from the builder this month! In the meantime - I have a stock Model A exhaust set-up that I wish to mount behind a Red's header. Will it restrict my motor (will be a stock motor with 6:1 head, touring cam, 97 carb and electronic ignition)? Is it possible to make it "louder by removing baffles (no idea what the inside of a stock Model A muffler looks like)? I really like the look of the stock exhaust and am willing to do some internal work if needed for exhaust flow and a little more noise, however, if it won't work with my motor, I will go to another muffler as recommended by the group.
    Bigcheese327 likes this.
  9. wuga
    Joined: Sep 21, 2008
    Posts: 672


  10. Poor old Fordor had been sat out in the drive for months. Or longer. So after Christmas I drained the filter bowl, cleaned out the 94 and replaced a leaky fuel line, filed the points, sorted the starter switch, popped on a fresh battery, added some fresh fuel and… it fired up straight away.


    So, the following day we made a foggy 100 mile round trip convoy to the seaside. Too cold for ice cream though.

    IMG_6236.jpeg IMG_6237.jpeg IMG_6238.jpeg
  11. Outback
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 2,961

    from NE Vic

    Checking in, hope to have something to add this month
    winduptoy likes this.
  12. Kevin Pharis
    Joined: Aug 22, 2020
    Posts: 630

    Kevin Pharis
    from Califunny

    Starting on 4 Winfield S-C throttle barrels that are gettin new oversize butterflies. The throttle position at idle with multi carb setups is pretty critical. A touch more open will energize the intermediate circuit and lead to imbalance. Looks like these carbs will need +.020” oversize butterflies to make up for wear in the barrels

    40 Olds, Outback, jet996 and 2 others like this.
  13. Kevin Pharis
    Joined: Aug 22, 2020
    Posts: 630

    Kevin Pharis
    from Califunny

  14. IMG_7578.jpg

    With a new house, new barn and new Grandson, been seeing mine from outside the garage more than inside.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
    Jiminy, Outback, jet996 and 1 other person like this.
  15. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    Short it with the header and no additional exhaust to see how it performs...then install the stock and see what it does....
    I have heard that a stock exhaust "is good to about 80 hp" or I have a buddy that says that....basis for his statement; unknown but I see that number in the aftermarket catalogues. They state the 'performance' exhaust baffle plates are opened up and it is louder than stock
    My experience was that I put the header flange adaptor on a stock A muffler/exhaust on my Vicky. 2" inlet and 1.5" outlet/tail pipe that makes over 80 hp. It worked temporary but benefitted from a custom 2.5" exhaust
    It is really easy to pull the whole A stock exhaust system from the header with the flange....
    I don't know how patient you are or how good you are with a gas Oxy/Acetylene torch, but I think with a cutoff wheel and a some messing around you could make your own 'performance muffler'
    Good luck
    meteorpete, Outback and jet996 like this.
  16. Anyone know who has the shouldered one piece guides in stock? I prefer them to the press in guides but they seem to be made of unobtanium except as part of a valve kit.
    Outback likes this.
  17. jet996
    Joined: Jul 10, 2024
    Posts: 48

    from WY

    @meteorpete - I had good luck cutting my muffler in half right behind the front baffle, cut it out completely, then stuck a crowbar down to the narrow end and punched that baffle out. Welded it back together and it was slightly louder but made a pretty fair difference in mileage. Still looked stock when I was done except for the weld.
  18. I am running the reds header with a Smithy's Muffler and it sounds good. I just ran the exhaust out in front of the rear tire. mine is a 32 with a B motor.

  19. jet996
    Joined: Jul 10, 2024
    Posts: 48

    from WY

    Stumbled across this doing some reading over Christmas, twin T engines paired up for a light tank Ford was testing for WW1 IMG_4962.jpeg
    The37Kid, 40 Olds, Stan Back and 6 others like this.
  20. 5280A2
    Joined: Sep 8, 2014
    Posts: 191


    Mike's Affordable sells a set of eight for 69.50 USD. I bought a set from Mac's a few years ago; they might still be available from Eckler's. I paired mine with a set of valve spring spacers from Charlie Yapp. If you put the spacer between the guide and the block you get more spring pressure and less guide in the ports.
    jet996 likes this.
  21. Can anyone point me to a thread, book or other reference to walk me through tuninng my B motor with the dual strombergs? I am new to tuning and the timing vs float levels, right spark plugs, jets is a bit overwhelming. I runs pretty good but has a bog at low RPM.
  22. Kevin Pharis
    Joined: Aug 22, 2020
    Posts: 630

    Kevin Pharis
    from Califunny

  23. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    Bog at low RPM...just a thought...I usually have a buddy (one that has some automotive sense, not from the sewing circle) follow me and look at the tailpipe outlet to see of there is black puffs thru the operation range. Communication via hands free cell phone is helpful real time feedback. Black = rich condition and need to take steps to lean out... smaller jets or if it stumbles and no black smoke....lean or even timing adjustment.
    You didn't say which ones you are running plus there are a lot of variables like compression ratio, cam, altitude, ignition timing, gasoline....for a few
    The following is just my experience.... is a good read plus there is a detailed explanation of the carburetor circuitry
    I have both stock manufactured and 'modern' Stromberg 81's on two different bangers
    You will need patience, jets, gaskets and tools
    You will need to get a jet tool....I bought the ones I have off of the inner web and the best ones are the used, earlier 'vintage' ones. My favorite is a Snap On 1/4" drive socket but difficult to use on the back carb due to the interference of the intake crossover.
    You will probably need to downsize jets and I run one of mine with the power valves disabled. (dyno tuned) The power valves are actuated by the accelerator pump and clipping the stem on the pv is an approach to disable

    There is a lean/rich situation with the A/B siamese intake ports so you need to tune to the plugs on the 2&3 cylinders (tan/brown electrode color) and leave 1&4 looking rich (black side of things) the A/B engines like rich as opposed to lean. For the spark plug /performance tuning, you need to read the plugs immediately after driving, no idling. I have a 'calibration hill' that I pull up that is a 3 mile pull with a 4% grade. I coast to a stop at a pull out at the top and read plugs. Make my changes and repeat.
    I usually tune to achieve maximum speed at the top of the hill.
    Feel free to PM me if you wish and I will try to assist as much as I can to my limited ability
    Good luck
    Bigcheese327, jet996 and G Baese like this.
  24. I am running original 81's that were build a while back by Uncle Max. Has a Brierly 1R cam, Simmons power head, reds header with a smithy's. I am out of town for a week or so then plan to jump on it. Going to also pick up a handheld AFR Wideband and learn to use it. I will have limited road testing for a whaile as there is snow and salt on the roads. Thanks for the information.
    Outback and winduptoy like this.
  25. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    Yes, we got more salt and cinders today than snow... but the 18 wheelers still crashed and shut down the interstate
    sampling with an AFR is fine but you really then need a 4 channel to tune and the sample rate is so fast that if you are like me, you will need to record all the readings and play them back slow to catch what is going on...that is why the big dollar boys go with data logging and a laptop....I'm a poor boy with spark plug interpolation but you might be able to associate your AFR reading with spark plug insulator color...
    Good luck
    G Baese likes this.
  26. Kevin Pharis
    Joined: Aug 22, 2020
    Posts: 630

    Kevin Pharis
    from Califunny

    Today was goin good… till it wasn’t! I went to Lock-N-Stitch to drop of a single intake port ROOF Liberty 8 overhead for my T touring car. It had a couple small cracks on top and the water neck holes were waaay oversize. Figured the cost of the tools were roughly the same cost as hiring them to repair. All was good until we spotted a big crack at the bottom of the center exhaust port! Well shit! They say they would have to cut out a big chunk of casting to get to the crack, then weld the removed pieces back in layer by layer. Not the $500 repair I was hoping for…!:mad:
  27. Outback
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 2,961

    from NE Vic

    Ouch! We use loc-n-stitch over here, great product, but that sounds like a tough day!
    winduptoy likes this.
  28. denis4x4
    Joined: Apr 23, 2005
    Posts: 4,314

    from Colorado


    Making progress! The back story on this car is that I purchased one of the early T-5/Model A conversion kits from Automotive Restoration in 2001. Fast forward to today. There were issues with the kit that required a custom clutch disk and a bastardized throw out bearing set up. I wanted to use all A stuff when I installed the new engine. It was a bitch to find T-5 shaft seals and shims. Also needed a a special machined part to extend the T-5 shaft so I could use an A throw out bearing set up along with an A clutch disk. I spent a lot of time and money so the next owner won’t have too! Hope to have it on the road by the end of the month.
    jet996, Deutscher, winduptoy and 3 others like this.
  29. Not too much to report on, I'm an hour and a half north of the fires so we're catching the smoke. Doing the car shuffle around here, hoping to be looking for a Slant Window soon.

    I'm currently tracking down more history on Miller stuff.
    Apparently before Steve Serr was tooling the Miller heads, they were in Denver Colorado. Would you guys know anything about the history of the heads when they were coming out of there? Thank you!!
    Outback likes this.

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