I just picked up this tin bubble top car at the York Pa. Toy show. I got myself an early Christmas present. lol Jack Murphy could probably tell me what I have? I just liked it. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!
Made a couple train related one-off art pieces last week using wood for bases from a 150 year old maple tree we removed in 2016. Found an old busted up diecast Bing locomotive for one piece and a Lionel auto transport car that I can display some diecast Tootsie Toy vehicles on.
A great car Ed. Do ya mind if I add a few more pictures? I think that it's from the Danbury Mint? I got mine many years ago, and it's one of my favorites. It has real leather interior, carpeted trunk, and great real chrome plating. Pretty Cool! Happy New Year you too, and everyone. Ron...
'Castalloy Speed Car advertising display' 1954; photographer Marcus B. Brownrigg; State Library of South Australia
Was recently in Brookville Fl selling car parts at a weekend swap meet. Since I was flying home, I only picked up a couple items I could fit in my carryon. Brought home a diecast Tootsietoy Triumph and a Master Deluxe coupe. Added them to my collection after some minor repair and a quick paint job.
I literaly dug this mid 70’s Tootsie toy up in my backyard last week. It is pretty good shape for being buried for 40 years. I sent a pic to a friend whose Grandparents used to live in my house. He remembered the Jeep and said it belonged to his cousin. Long story short, it is on its way back to the original owner!
Winter cold snap so I have been spending more time in the basement. Finished up a couple custom toy shelves made out of old radiator grille shells I had in the barn. Donors came from a 1920-22 Willys Overland and a Model-T. Currently working to straighten out a 1930's Chevy shell that is actually brass under the nickel plating.
A little more modern one-of-a-kind diecast build I did last month. Found a monster truck chassis at Goodwill. I then raided my spare parts stash and found a diecast truck cab and a cut up truck box from other projects that I was able to make fit on the chassis. Might see if I can find some decals and maybe dress it up a bit. Always fun looking at my junk parts and seeing some potential new life.
Wandered around a toy show on Sunday and seem to always be attracted to the bulk junk bins some vendors have. Picked up a bag that had some Tootsietoy cars, an Arcade cast car and some old cap guns. Turns out the cap guns were made by Tootsietoy, Hubley and Wyandotte. Well worth the $10 I paid for the bag. Also found a busted Tru-Scale service truck I can restore and a rusty Lionelle train car that I will make another art piece out of. Already restored a few of the cars that I want to keep.
Good Tuesday to you too. 76 pages, and it's still going! { Cool } I have always loved toy cars. But they are more fun when I play with them. A few favorites