First result of a search. Contact them, they should have a customer list!
It looks like they sell the tooling and don't actually punch louvers. Not sure they even have stuff to fit the Mittler Brothers or other popular setups. Why not suggest Tuck Industries and ask for his customer list? He's a longtime HAMB member. Or maybe look at the "louvers who does them" thread. Nice try though.
Sorry, it was a quick local search. You are correct to suggest HAMB supporters. @Rally 1 did not say what they wanted punched, so I assume they are hoping for a place within driving distance to avoid crating and shipping. @zman for the win.
I do see at least one in OH in that thread "Dan ( Louver Dan ) Thomas in Springfield Ohio". And there is a whole thread about louvers in Cleveland
I've got a '46 Ford hood I would like to get louvered, I wish I could find someone decent in the Evansville In. area.
A friend bought a louver punch at the PRI show several years ago. He always go nuts buying the demo stuff at a big discount when the show closes. He's never used it and said I can have it. Any thoughts on doing some facing forward as little scoops over my dual Strombergs?
Frank, A long while ago you sent me some pictures of louvers you made that went both ways. They would move a lot more air I think. Might be good to post another picture. HFH.
If you give me the current address for this Louver dude, I can maybe get the wife to slug him for you. It might be more of a slap than a punch but she works cheap