APPARENTLY ... TOO HARD FOR ME....LOL all I wanna do is change out the stock axel to a 3''/ 4'' drop... pretty easy right>>> the axel has juice brakes and a reverse eye spring.. measuring spring pearh center... around 37''... king pins are at 50'' +/- just wanna swap the axel....after market... /speed way all say 46 and 48'' king pins????? can this be done??? what am I missing????????????????????
If all you want to do is lower the car an additional 3/4 inch isn't there an easier way to do it? Re-arch springs? Move the spring perch/ crossmember up? Smaller tire?
I think he is looking for a 3 or 4 inch drop. Common to lose two to four inches when dropping a stock axle. Shorten up the tie rod and you are ready to go.
Yep as you drop the axle the king pin boss moves in. Think of it this way, lay your elbow on a table, move your fist straight out now as you raise your fist while keeping you elbow on the table the flat plane measurement between your elbow and fist gets smaller. Even though the distance between your fist and elbow never change. Now there are/were gents that also stretch the neck of the axle as they drop it to help keep the distance between the king pin bosses really close to factory. So your only choice may be to find someone that has the ability to stretch and lower at the same time... ...
Get an original one dropped (see other HAMB posts for someone) and stretched if you want to keep the same dimensions. Ford Dropped Axle
I've had two axle's stretched while being dropped by Sid. Happy with the results.
Im assuming this is the car. Narrowing the track some I'd have thought would be a great thing. Yeh, drag link and tie rod would require shortening and alignment redone, but this isn't a big deal. Chris
not the car, I'm working on a 31 vicky... but, thats my car...where did that pic come from... not my garage????
You always use the king pin thats made for the spindle you are using. Is your hydraulic brake setup using the model A spindle yet? Have Sid drop an A axle, they are common, forget speedway
You are going to want to narrow the kingpin width when you drop the axle. Otherwise, the tire is going to be against the fender as soon as you turn from straight ahead. Narrowing puts the tire more in the center part of the fender and gives some room when turning before the tire hits the fender.