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Event Coverage I want to run at Bonneville

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by birdman1, Jan 19, 2025.

  1. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,647


    I want to know if I can make a run with a 1964 factory five racing Cobra next summer. With below 0 temperature here in south west iowa, summer is a long time away. I've read something about time only runs too. Thanks for any help. I did go to Bonneville last August and I'm hooked on it. I was impressed by all the gray haired hot rodders!!
  2. oldiron 440
    Joined: Dec 12, 2018
    Posts: 3,642

    oldiron 440

    The cheapest and quickest solution to go racing in any form of automotive sport is to buy a current race car as complete as possible. But first buy yourself a rule book.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
  3. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,647


    I do have the rule book. They actually
    Made a class for the cobra kit cars. I did observe the cars being inspected, looked like a very thorough process. I want to run my cobra.
    turboroadster and chryslerfan55 like this.
  4. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,204


    Next step is to put together a team. It's a team sport....
  5. Going solo and planning to run will leave you running yourself crazzy. There's a lot to be aware of and pay attention to besides getting in line waiting your turn, and there's a lot of that.
    oliver westlund likes this.
  6. oldiron 440
    Joined: Dec 12, 2018
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    oldiron 440

    With Bonneville it’s all about safety, so how many modifications do you need to make to run the car for the class you expect to run. This can effect everything from engine components, clutch/ bel housing, drive shaft, fire suppression and roll cage the list goes on and on. The first thing I would say is your going to need a new engine,, something that will survive repeated cycles of wide open throttle for minutes at a time, not what a street engine is capable of.
    gimpyshotrods and chryslerfan55 like this.
  7. saltflats
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
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    from Missouri

    Best way to get started is to go to the fall meet and run in the 130 club.
  8. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,647


    Can you tell me more about the 130 mph club? I do have a crew of my sons and daughters and grandkids to help
    turboroadster likes this.
  9. saltflats
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 13,037

    from Missouri

  10. Hotwyr
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 129


    Is your Cobra a roadster? Even in the 130 class, open cars must have a minimum 4 point roll bar.
  11. dart4forte
    Joined: Jun 10, 2009
    Posts: 719

    from Mesa, AZ

    Advice given to me,

    Buy the current SCTA rule book

    Attend several Bonneville events as a spectator. Ask lot of questions

    Have several like minded friend commit to supporting you. You’ll need a minimum of two crew people.

    Keep a crawl, walk, run mentality

    Buy a car that has some Bonneville history, importantly a car that has passed tech.

    Have fun
    gimpyshotrods and turboroadster like this.
  12. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
    Posts: 16,256

    jimmy six

    Just an observation from when I was making the timing tags for both the El Mirage Dry Lakes meets an Bonneville. I was also allowed to do remakes by the board of directors if the owner had an original tag, the daily run sheets, or the final results. It was all done at my discretion and I needed solid proof.
    A person contacted me about a big block Cobra his uncle ran at a Bonneville Speed Week meet. Of course I was told it ran near 200 mph. I searched every year results I could find and found none. Finally looking at a Hot Rod Magazine I saw a few photos of the Bell Auto Parts Tent, which was there in the 50-70’s with a chalk board showing some runs and found a run for the car at 137 mph.
    I contacted the person and he was very disappointed and did not want a tag with THAT speed.
    Stock Cobra’s are aerodynamic bricks that you sit way too high in and are way too light to attain any appreciable traction.
    If the car the car question was modified for the USFRA 130 or 150 mph rules it could possibly run.
    The SCTA/Bonneville rules for the class would need to be met to run one of their meets. The current record is for B/Grand Touring is 236+ so the rules for that speed would be needed to run the vehicle.
  13. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,647


    Maybe I'll just be a spectator.
  14. ronnieroadster
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
    Posts: 1,138


    Being a spectator is a good idea however WARNING it will be addictive. Following up on your idea about running your factory five Cobra on the salt. Check out the USFRA events they have a 130 and 150 MPH club where with some safety equipment you may be able to run. Best to contact the USFRA to find out what rules you need to follow with your car I would expect a factory five car would have a roll cage or at least a roll bar some form of roll over driver protection I'm sure would be needed.
    Running at the SCTA August speed week event is a completely different deal. The safety rules are extensive for good reason and the additional rules per class add immensely to what's required and legal. Good luck with your desire to run on the salt take it from me its a life changing experience once you do it I bet you will want to do it many more times.
    wheeldog57, tractorguy, hfh and 5 others like this.
  15. That's not an all-bad decision. A true speed freak can't help but want to be involved while being there. While there talk to anyone from close to your Zip Code. Being part of someone else's support team is priceless. The idea some have of "Run what ya Brung" doesn't happen at B-Ville. Not even sure it ever did.
    oliver westlund likes this.
  16. Hotwyr
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 129


    I spent 30 + years as a spectator and pit crew before I ever made a pass on the salt
    Watch and learn.
  17. Hotwyr
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 129


    The USFRA events are a great way to get started. They also have a test and tune in June.
    winduptoy and rod1 like this.
  18. RodStRace
    Joined: Dec 7, 2007
    Posts: 6,542


    @jimmy six knows, he's one I'd listen to.
    I'd agree on the team comment, and if you go as a spectator, wear something that ANNOUNCES your home location LOUDLY. If there's a famous place, a local tradition, heck even your zip code as mentioned, blaze it front and back. Catch the attention of anyone you can out there.
    Figure out the car, for sure. Also realize a trailer, tools, truck, and pit setup should be figured out. Pay attention to those things while out there. Search high and low for anyone who has run a FF cobra before out there. Buy them a drink of choice and ask questions. If possible, ask to see their car. It's one of those things where you see something and ask.
    Special Ed and hfh like this.
  19. dart4forte
    Joined: Jun 10, 2009
    Posts: 719

    from Mesa, AZ

  20. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
    Posts: 2,998

    from VA

    I have a Question about B-V & other dry lakes , Besides Mechanical, Driver error,
    What's the Safety of these race areas, courses?
    Is there No , people, animals ,birds in this areas for miles, lets say 5-10 mile radius?
    I recall I believe in HRM early 90s, there was a Cobra, Maybe one of Shelby personal car's ,
    something like that , ties to Shelby, besides a Cobra.
    Black or dark Blue with a BBC , that clocked over 200mph , Im thinking
    220 ish some where in mid west , Desert blacktop Road @ night ..

    There are Just several of us that are living in the wrong times,
    Wrong places /areas.

    Change subject a Little ,
    Wrong era,,, Its like Le Mans , Not same since they took the Banked Turn out &
    The Long Straight away ..

    I know what its like to go over 200 in 1320, A to B under 7 sec,, But when it come to taken 2, 3 , mints or a few miles to get to those speeds ,, I tried , 175 ish ,
    I chicken out !!! , Not race car , a exotic..
    I tried on bike also , Its a total different experience, I drove a Bush class car one time & average 165 on 1-1/2 track , I am a no one , just right places @ right times .. First time @ speed was going into turn @ speed , going threw my thoughts , Is this going to stick or aim I going to go straight up into wall ,
    It stuck , then the adrenaline kicking in,
    In the straight , I grabbed each belt one @ time , pulled tight as I could with One hand , It was fun for about 15 laps ..
  21. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,191


    As others said, the most economical and prudent way to run at the SCTA event in August is buy someone's been there done that car that has run recently and is for sale for a fraction of what they spent on it. I looked long and hard at a Camaro that someone about 70 miles from me had for sale a few years back for a seriously reasonable price for car, trailer and extra goodies to go with it. They had gone out, done what they wanted to do and were on to new quests.
    I'd look into the USFRA event for the 130 club and if it goes enough faster the 150 club as those classes are a lot more friendly to street cars. Screenshot (1930).png Screenshot (1931).png
  22. RodStRace
    Joined: Dec 7, 2007
    Posts: 6,542


    Never has it been so easy to exceed skill level with speed and what's out there. It's true there are more safety nannies, too. But the sheer number of HP cars with old tires and tall gears is kind of mind boggling. Lots more people, less open space, but it's still out there.
    As far as sanctioned racing, we have already found the limit, the bag of water controlling the car or plane. Texas was IIRC, the first track that had pros experiencing G's too high to sustain racing.
    That's not straight line, but when you can rent something like this for 500 a day, you can find the limits of Darwin's Award pretty quick.
    Special Ed likes this.
  23. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,191


    I've always wondered how many guys show up at Speedweek with their street car and think that they can roll in and pay an entry fee and make passes. Over the past 50 years I have lost track of the number of guys I have talked to who said that they were going to take their car to Bonneville and run on the salt who didn't have a clue as to the requrements to pass tech to be able to run.
  24. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,770


    Mr. OP, does your Cobra pass all the tech requirements for the class? If so, why not go? Worst that could happen is you ball it up.
    borntoloze likes this.
  25. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    Thanks for the confidence but many who are LSR competitors here can share more than I can. Ronnieroadster is defiantly one of them. For me living in the SoCal area all my life where many LSR competitors come from has been great. I started in 1975 and was an inspector for over 25 years after I felt I wanted to help and being in impounds with Dan Warner for 20 also taught me a lot. Being in the 200 mph Club in an open roadster pushing a 32 grille shell with a vintage engine didn’t come easy either but the experience of driving a full fendered 40 Chevrolet coupe at 150+ was also a learning experience that I continue to share.
    HEMI32, Special Ed and RodStRace like this.
  26. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
    Posts: 2,998

    from VA

    My self I was thinking to maybe do / try the Roadster class a few years back , Started reading
    R-Book , there a lot ,& also being on
    E -Coast & the chance not passing tec ,

    I do like see build pics/articles .To me alot of clever and tricked Technology
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
    RodStRace likes this.
  27. aircap
    Joined: Mar 10, 2011
    Posts: 1,793


    I see OP is in Iowa. Suggest you checkout the ECTA. They hold meets closer to you. Run the Arkansas Mile at Blytheville to start with (several dates available). It's low key racing in a less challenging location.
  28. mohr hp
    Joined: Nov 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,273

    mohr hp
    from Georgia

    I started out with the ECTA and just showed up to spectate or help. Keith Turk needed a hand and was very generous. I eventually got into the 2 club with ECTA, and helped at Bonneville. It takes a dedicated car to go as fast as you want in land speed, unless you don't want to go very fast-think stock old VW Beetle.
    You need to have a support vehicle at B'ville, no driving the race car around.
    Also there's the corrosion thing. Everything you bring out there is going to get eaten alive- race car, tow vehicle, trailer, pit bike, your favorite ratchet. Lodging can be hard to find. Some wives don't tolerate the place well.....
    It's a lot to take on. But don't let that all discourage you. The first time you get into high gear and the tach starts climbin', and the finish line is wayyy out there, you'll realize the appeal.
  29. Check this out.

    Closer than western Utah and shorter course that won't rust out your car. Good place to get your feet wet and see how events are run.
    jimmy six likes this.
  30. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,647


    I have the rules book and studied it. I realize the tires required. Also a 4 point roll cage,fire suit, etc. I finally realized that the 4 cam lincoln 4.6 engine I put in it is not allowed in the class. I do plan on going to the salt flats in August for several days. Hope to see you there and thanks for your help
    tractorguy, RMR&C and Pist-n-Broke like this.

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