Decided to try out some Brewster caps to see how they fit the car - really pleased with the way they turned out. Only drawback is they need to be removed to add air to the tires.
To me, the headlight placement is perfect. Not to far forward, not to far back, and just the right height. I really like your build…..
Thanks Harald. Richard - I appreciate the kind words on the headlights - agonized over them a lot. Managed to chase down some grounding issues with the headlights and taillights and everything is working now. Got some plates on it as well - need to find a set of vintage plates to replace the modern ones but that is lower on my priority list. Started work on fitting the hood and dialing in the straps - am really happy with how the first one came together. Will definitely take some fine tuning but that should be easy once the footman loops are in place.
I understand you wanting to get the hood tied down....nice....but now it time to wear those tits off the tires
Winduptoy - am getting very close to having it out on the road - just need to chase down an upper radiator hose leak (waiting on some Permatex #2 to be delivered) and then I can start wearing down those tires….in the meantime I got the rest of the hood straps installed.
Curious what you're thinking about as far as the running board splash aprons. I kind of like the look of them left on - if you go that direction, what usually gets done to stop them from flapping around blowing in the breeze?
Thx ModelAMitch! Lamaison - from what I have read / seen it seems like most folks fab a couple of support brackets to provide some added rigidity to the apron. That seems to me like it will work fine and won’t be very noticeable if it follows the contour of the apron and is mounted on the underside. It is on my to do list…
That is what I did - but let the car sit ticking over to see where it flapped the most then just done a basic strut from the chassis to the side skirt.
Ordered a Burtz 6.5:1 head and started prepping it for install. Waiting on some parts and need to have the springs in my FSI changed out before it will be ready for the road. Curious to see how it performs. What are folks’ recommendations for a performance cam - am thinking about doing a swap while I have the head off. Seems like folks recommend the 340 touring grind but am interested in hearing what has worked for others. I don’t want to have to have any machining done so needs to work with stock valves.
Ordered up a 340 touring cam from Burtz and started to break down the engine for installation of the new cylinder head, cam and modern valve components.
Got the valve train out - not too bad except for one valve guide that was lodged in really tight. Eventually lots of Kroil, some heat and a BFH got it out. Two head studs also did not come out right away - am going to pull out the Kroil, induction bolt tool and snap on stud removal socket and see how it goes
If I remember correctly (30 years) the last time I had a broken stud removed I used these guys:, (714) 836-6824. Not cheap but "aerospace quality". Keep the number handy in case one of those studs snap. Charlie Stephens
Kevin - I was a bit surprised to see it as well! Charlie - thanks for the recommendation - thankfully I didn’t need it - last two came out after a few cycles of heat and penetrating oil. Hitchhiker - thanks for the support! Head studs out and ready for next steps…
Got the new lifters, Burtz cam and aluminum timing gear installed in place of the fiber gear that was in there. Oil pan gasket is a bit wonky since I took a razor to some of it to get it out of the way but will be replaced and resealed once I get the timing cover and front motor mounts bolted back up. Also managed to strip the timing cover and inspection cover to prep it for new paint.
Made some good progress on getting everything assembled. Pretty straightforward other than the valve springs and modern valves. Was planning to run spacers to achieve higher spring rates but there is no way I could get them in - things got easier when the Sunnen valve compressor arrived - works much better than any of the other ones I bought but still no way I was going to fit the spacers. Need to button up a few things and am waiting on FS Ignitions to update my Zipper for the higher compression but am almost ready to fire it back up. Hoping to be able to attend RPM Nationals and Antique Nationals in early May.