So, this is a long shot by far, but I was asked if I would assist, so here we go: This '27 turtledeck was stolen from the Apache Campground near N. Myrtle Beach N.C. in March / April of '24. Yes, coming up on a year, but I was just told of this today and said I'd be happy to help. I have limited info, so I will do my best and maybe the pic's will help. Appears to be a steel body, SBC / Auto; was titled in W. Va (with an Ohio plate apparently). The car was taken from a car hauler at the above-mentioned campground. Best guess is someone backed up to it and loaded it and took off. The owner is in his 80s and would love to have his baby back. There is a reward offered. I wish I had more info or certainly knew of this sooner. Like I said, it's worth a shot. Any leads are appreciated and will be forwarded to the owner. Thanks fellow HAMB'ers.
Hate thieves! Good of you to attempt to help out. Hope it gets found. My thoughts are that it's a long shot. Assume that he notified local law enforcement. Car could still be in the proximity, stashed in a garage. Don't know if the Pee Dee Street Rods are still active. Might be a good idea to reach out to them and ask to be on the lookout. Good luck to the owner.
I did forward the info to see if Pee Dee is still around - thanks! I'm guessing a few locals knew the car; hope it turns up.