This kit allows you to put any 1928-1931 Ford body on 1932 Ford chassis. It consist of a pair of rails that follow the contour of a '32 frame and two hat channel pieces that connect the two sub rails. This gives you a starting point to build the floor off of. Steadfast Manufactures Quality Traditional Hot Rod Parts Steadfast Manufacturing specializes in custom hot rod fabrication and product design. We manufacture and sell our own products that are designed and built in our own facility in Bellville, Ohio. None of our products are manufactured outside the USA. Additionally, we are authorized sellers of high-quality hot rod and performance parts from Pete and Jake’s, Brookville Roadster, John’s Industries 9 Inch Factory, Perfection Hot Rod Parts by Johnson's Hot Rod Shop, Vintage Air and LimeWorks, just to name a few. We are just a phone call away to answer any of your questions 419-632-3315 or Email us at: The kits list at $595.00 plus shipping. You can find us on the: WorldWideWeb(dot)SteadfastMfg(dot)com Or "like" us on face book / Steadfast Mfg Or InstaGram / steadfastmfg Please Note: CURRENTLY IN STOCK - READY TO SHIP! Thank You. Steadfast Mfg '28-'31 Sub Rail Kit