Just wanted to say I hope everyone stays safe and makes it out of this mess. Northerners may scoff, but the infrastructure isn't prepped for this. https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/21/weather/winter-storm-south-tuesday-hnk/index.html Louisiana
Thanks...keep it down there too...yeah it's pretty but it doesn't take much to have dramatic changes in the ambience. It's not near over our way but so far it's been easily managed...
Way back in 1977* and this time of year ,Miami Fla., it snowed,all gone after lunch,but my lawn was white for a short time in AM. It was a bit of a joke to most,our OJ blood was for sure on the cold slow though.
View attachment 6298220 Yeah, yesterday we got our second real snow here in Atlanta in less than a week, which is exceptional. Because it hasn't gotten above freezing since, it's all still here. Most locals do not know how to drive in this. Even though I'm a snow vet, I'm taking the day off today-no use risking getting hit, besides, I have a bunch of welding I can do on my latest project. My daughter and I built this guy, (Mr. Frost) on Saturday. He lasted through Monday. Extremely rare here in the Atl. Y'all be safe!
Friends of mine who live about 45 minutes north of Orange Beach AL sent me a picture last night of 9” of snow on their picnic table
Oh my god you poor southerners are having Snowmageddon! It’s the end of the world. Just lock in the front hubs of your 4X4 and you’ll be fine.
I apologize for Scoffing, were getting a 1/4 inch tonight, maybe we could send some of our salting trucks down
I'm still going to whine when racing mid-July at the Glory days/Meltdown Drags event in Byron Ill, when its ball gravy hot 95 degrees and Salty says "this isn't bad" Had to drink a bunch of beer in the evening so I didn't turn into a pretzel
It's shorts wearing weather here the last couple of days 30 on Tuesday then low teens yesterday after 50 below over the weekend you can get around fine on snow it's the ice you have to worry about.
I don't wear shorts even in the summer! I know the common dress for a lot of men is safari casual (shorts, boots, T), but I'm no school boy.
Yeah, I decided to get out of CA. My thoughts were; I don't want to have to dig my car out to drive to work (waves at entire northern swath). Don't want to get out of the shower, dry off and NEVER finish the job due to humidity (waves at SE quarter). Wanted a lower cost of living and still be able to find a job (waves a broad hand at both populated coastal regions). The high desert isn't lush, many people would hate it. It's hotter and colder than where I was. I miss greenery. But it's what I was willing to accept.
Hello, It is amazing to a Geography subject person that has studied latitudes/ longitudes as part of the map reading and environmental influences. So, how does a coastal area near the ocean or large salty body of water in the warmer latitudes have snow? Especially when the other Westcoast area is higher in latitudes and technically closer to the winter storms hitting the whole USA proper? In our travels, the Louisiana coastal temperatures always seems warmer than most other places. Compared to So Cal, it is warmer and has moisture in the air most of the times. So Cal gets their share of coastal fog almost daily. But, as far as snow? Ha, not since 1949 has it snowed heavily along the west coast from Baja coastline up past Los Angeles. Confusion reigns as Mother Nature has her own way to blast everybody at any time and obviously, everywhere. Even along the salty Gulf of Mexico coastlines where photos show full coverage. Jnaki Having lived the majority of our lives in So Cal, we have seen mostly mild weather. A few years back, we had a most unusual rain storm blasting everyone from odd angles and caused a lot of flooded yards and streets. (Even high up in the hills.) But, it is usually dry and mellow all of the year around. Sunny So Cal is heard a lot and so far, we have seen a lot of sun and little moisture. The whole basin is considered a Mediterranean Climate area and is usually mild weather. So good for that… In recent times, the last heavy “frozen ice” to So Cal coastal areas was the blasting we got in 2017. Our yard was no longer green, but a layer of white that lasted for several hours. Climatologists were calling it "pea hail" or some other snowlike precipitation, but not snow. In the heavy storms of 2023, it did hail several days, but as fast as it hit the ground, there was not enough to do anything with the pea size ice. Although the rain storms hit with a fury later. But, in January 23 2017 Snow in our backyard? Sure glad we live in shorts and T-shirt climate, So Cal. Our extended family in the Midwest longs to be back in So Cal, just because of the weather. Even our freezer is not in the minus degree scenario ! Yikes… Currently, it is a week of 60 degrees with some sporadic rains heading to the coast.. So, break out the hooded sweatshirts and snow waterproof jackets for the "walking in the rain..." scenario. It is like walking to get the mail from the down the street mailbox was a nice reprise… Whew! And, of course stay safe out there in the most unusual snow near the Gulf of Mexico. YRMV
I am in central NC and this is the longest cold spell I remember in a long time. 10 -15 degrees in the morning, the good thing is I don't have to go out in it. It is a balmy 65 in the shop and I don't lay have to lay on a cold floor lol ( the blanket is electric )
Electric blanket on the garage floor??? I like that one, now I'm going to have to find one, or two... . Marcus...
It gets worse lol, I put down 2 or 3 big foam tiles then that cardboard then my blanket. There are a couple pillows in that trash bag in the photo. I can get pretty comfortable under a car with that set up. Just a broken down old guy , a couple heart attacks, 5 stents ( 3 in the widow maker ) all my joints are worn out so my main objective everyday is just to get moving. No complaints , I have it made. When I can't get up I call my German Shepard over and she helps me.
Cardboard as under-insulation. I do that, + it helps slide on the concrete or outside dirt/sand easier. Haven't the foam tiles. But last year I upgraded the garage to a hanging hi-eff gas explosion-proof furnace. So it keeps the gar floor tolerably almost warm, since I keep the gar at ~ 58*F. Marcus...