So I’m installing a 4” drop axle on my Model A. After several days of working t find a suitable set up, I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to use a dropped steering arm if I want to do a conventional straight axle shock installation (which I do). The result of using a “straight” steering arm is that the ball on the Pitman Arm is way, way low compared to the steering arm ball. This puts the drag link at a ridiculous angle. How much does that affect the steering? I don’t see how the ratio would stay the same for both left and right steering, does this matter? It looks to me that realistically the only decent way to do this would be a cross steer or rack n pinion, but I’m way too into this to change that.
Not sure what you are calling a ridiculous angle. Perhaps post a picture. But the draglink running up hill isn't necessarily an issue. The pivot arc of the draglink based on its length is more important to prevent bump. steer.
UNDERSTANDING GEOMETRY; I"LL USE SPEEDWAYS DRAWINGs FOR CLAIRITY There wording is pretty good,but not 100% EZ to under stand. So I'll add; Side steer, OK;; How is your axle mounted to frame ?; Do you have split bones/hairpins or stock wishbone set up? Or 4bar set up? If 4bar,steer side link needs to be EVEN WITH 4 bars. All the others,rear ball of steer link needs to be as close as pos. to rear ball of bone/hairpin or if wishbone as close as pos. to same line drawn across car at rear wishbone ball. The side link,dose not really matter what angle its at/other then just looks,as long as the rear balljoint on pitmen arm and the rear joint on bone are close or same point=Bump that way will be min. Drawing in #3 shows ack dose not match well=bumpsteer more then others. Drawing #1 , #2 both would be even better if steering box was back more=so pitman joint was closer to { B } With drawing #4 { 4bar} would be better if steeringbox was forward of rear 4bar bracket= Making both 4bars an steering link closer to same size= So even less bumpsteer< close to zero.
Try moving the steering arm to the upper bolts of the spindle. When you say 'side steer', I believe you are speaking about cowl steering? here's mine and drag link runs straight to the pitman arm coming our of the cowl.
I'm confused by the shock issue. Should be plenty of room to package things. The drag link angle, while bad on paper, in reality drives pretty decent for a cross spring beam axle front end.