Many picts of my 2 in. chop folding Model "A" windshield posts $305 USA $335 Intl (Scroll Down). Chopped folding 1928-29 Ford roadster windshield posts send $US dollers, personal check (in the USA) or postal money order to John Williamson 10353 Eldora Ave Sunland Ca 91040 Shipping included in the price. For more pictures scroll down Ph 818-951-0435 for 3 and 4 inch chop $355USA $365 intl. My windshield posts on a roadster at 2023 LARS - 4 in chop 2 inch chop My windshield posts at 2023 Sacramento auto show Link to Matt at Iron Trap Garage installing the windshield with my 2 inch chopped folding posts - My car 2 1/2 inch chop Richards 28/29 Ford roadster running a set of my chopped folding windshield posts, looks really sharp. 4 inch chop Ph 818-951-0435 2 inch chop 3 inch chop And the worlds fastest street roadster 355 has got them too. 3 inch chop
Originals And mine - look like the same thing and available here on the hamb. And mine again. "A" tub with my windshield posts and a Custom Merc in the back