Hey guys, Found this hood in the back of the garage and for the life of me, i have no idea what it's from. For reference, I bought a hoard of old parts, (mostly Mopar) a number of years ago, but this still is not ringing any bells. Anyone have an idea on what it belongs to? Thanks in advance!
That front edge seems different like it is supposed to go around a radiator cap? Maybe someone just cut it?
I don't think so, the DeSoto hood doesn't have two vents in the hood and the hood handle doesn't have a smooth area around it. HRP DeSoto and the hood in question
I know the 1932 Plymouth PB had the two vents, I believe there was a Dodge '32? & a early Chrysler that sported them. But I can't figure out the origin of the OP's hood. HRP
Yeah, I fat fingered it - should be a 32.......and it does have two vents in the hood.....maybe there were other makes with two hood vents? The Dodges and Chrysler/Plymouth vents were cowl weren't they?
Joe, I totally agree with you and you nailed it, forget the chubby fingers it is indeed a '32 DeSoto. HRP
Danny you had it......it is a 32 Plymouth PB. @guthriesmith caught it - the hood ornament sits on the radiator shroud on the DeSoto. On the Plymouth, it sits back into the hood with a cut-out. So...."you are correct sir!"...again.