Im replacing my spark plug wires in my 1950 Cadillac since there super stiff and was wondering what is recommended "tinned copper core" or just "copper core"? Thanks, Joshua
I would go with a high quality carbon wire myself, especially if you are planning or already have electrical upgrades like electronic ignition or a modern stereo.
"The Brillman Company" still has real Packard 440. I have a 250' roll (well. not so much anymore). The only downside is that your AM radio won't work so good anymore. Who wants to listen to crop reports? They also have Rajah terminals.
I have accel solid core wires and non resister ac plugs in my off topic daily, seems like it runs better after switching from carbon core and resistor plugs. I bought some bulk wire on eBay from Ton’s that I use on my 62 cutlass with magneto and non resistor plugs. They have 7mm and 8mm options as well as a few colors, I use yellow on my cars.
My initial response is tined copper. Copper corrodes quickly and over time builds up more resistance. The tin plate will prevent that.
I have used TAYLOR wires for decades , here are their tinned copper wires. For me I like the USA on them.
Can't remember if Packard 440 is tinned or not, can't hardly click the mouse on it anymore--$$$. I've used both and would not spend any time at all pondering tinned or not. I've for a long time bought all the little parts and the wire from Brillman, and he has wire I like just as well as the 440 for a lot less. I like making the wire sets myself. Copper on everything I own unless some kinda magic box or computer in it.
When you decide; just be sure they are black. No sense having gaudy wires degrade the appearance of your mill.
Unless you're running under water I wouldn't expect the copper to oxidize so badly it makes the cables unusable before the insulation has aged and begun to let the spark jump to ground in the wrong places.
I appreciate all the advice! I may end up using tinned cooper since its cheaper. unless I'm advised otherwise