Getting ready to hit the road, it's a long drive to Scranton! Weather looks kind of chilly and wet on the more northern direct route, so we might head east on 10/20 until we get to I59. We'll see what happens. If the car keeps running, that is.
The sun has risen, And the sun has set, And we ain't through $%&@#! Texas yet. This is where cruise control really, really, really helps. Russ p.s. Sounds like a great trip
Thanks! Fuel pickup clogged just before Las cruces. Blew it out, back on the road. If it keeps up, I'll have to fix it. I do have a plan.
Car is working OK now. Made it to big spring, might try for the other side of Dallas tonight. Long drive.
they only let you use late model cars, unfortunately. Yes, I checked. Made it to Dallas, on to Knoxville? next? the radiator sock was a bit full again. It seemed to be getting a little warm.
made it to knoxville, the starter is acting up, kind of due to the carb acting up (won't start after sitting a few minutes, acts flooded) More fun tomorrow! and we stopped at Buc-ees