So story goes, when I took my ‘51 off the road at the end of last year I was pretty shocked at the state of one of the front tyres. As I had planned to do some suspension work anyways I thought il check alignment once I’m done. So I did my work on the stepped lower arms and bolted it all back together and didn’t feel any play to be concerned about. Dropped her down for a ride height check and found I needed to trim some bump stop. Pulled the upper outer joint off to swing the upper arm out the way and pow!! There it was, some real excessive play in the upper inner bushes. Turns out the previous owner had given up on the front end refurb just before those parts and just dumped them in a box for me to deal with! As you can see from the pics that’s some serious wear on the pivot shaft!!!! (PS boy did I have fun pulling out that and winding the new one in!!) Needless to say the front end is now play free and I have been reminded that wear isn’t always immediately obvious with a wobble of the wheel. J