Any one used Rustoleum Engine enamel ? Chevy orange? Hows the shade of orange color compare to the 1620 Ive always used Duplicolor 1620 or 1607 I wonder if Rustoleum is more durable than Dup-licolor?
Colors aside , have had trouble with Rust-Oleum cans plugging up inside after a partial use, always clean the nozzles with a shot of brake clean, but some won't spray, can use a Dupli-color can, and it always sprays even months later.
I haven't used Rustoleum engine paint, and it's been many years since I used DupliColor, but I have recently used VHT gold engine paint, and was extremely pleased with it. Excellent coverage, though I have yet to fire up the engine and truly heat test it. This will be my go-to for engine paint for the foreseeable future. VHT SP119 is the number for Chevy Orange-Red:
Lloyd suggested I use orange tractor paint from the farm supply store. We used Kubota Orange and I’m very happy with the color and results.
Ive had rustoleum loose the compressed gas propellant inside and not spary usually several year old cans and store in a garage that gets 100- 115 degrees temp in the summer that could cause propellant lose too. I keep clean nozzles spares also.
There is a video on YouTube that shows how to clean the outside of the block with acetone and use a map gas torch to get the oil out of the pores of the block. He said to use brush on rustoleam primer and then paint. I tried it and it seems to be working. I do only have 1 hour of run time so far, but it did get hot during breakin and the paint was fine.
I've been pretty happy with S E M as far as aerosols go lately. Not as many color options as the consumer brands, but a step above IMO.