does anyone have any pics of this A sedan running a flathead? It's pale flat green. Chopped and channelled. I think the guy that ownes it is Jay Dean. Is he on the HAMB? Thanks for any help!
I think I do. It's painted up to look like a stocker. Wire wheels? It's on my other computer, though, sorry.
I'm not sure. I saw it at the Turkey Run in Florida a couple years ago. Other than that, only seen a pic or two in a magazine. Has WW's, caps and rings. No hood. Slanted back grille. Not sure if it's a custom grille or maybe something off a Dodge???? Real nice looking car.
Yeah, I did see a pic where it was red primer. I'm guessing it was the same car. Oh yeah, he took a hole saw to the visor also.
I’d rather call it a thread that’s almost been dead for almost twenty years. Maybe Igor can see the meaning to log on here again now