Talked to the Hop Up people at the GNRS and the pre orders shipped last week so should be at your mail box soon? Also had a good visit with Steve and he had samples of the next R J so they should be going out soon? We'll get both major books in a short time frame then have to wait another year.
Thank you for the preemptive information on TRJ. I’m sure there will be a comment blood bath very soon.
Always lots of comments about R J. on here and it's a solid book. But if you haven't looked at the Hop Up annuals lately your really missing a high quality book with lots of HAMB style rides. No O ring tires there.
Happy to hear that TRJ is sending out another issue and working on the next one. I do miss their email blasts that kept us updated and included teasers of the upcoming issue.
When either shows up my wife says "oh that coffee table book came". She will go cover to cover on both. Mine always come a week later after everyone else's as the post office still seems to move at pack animal speed out here on the Rez.
Pages fell out of mine on first read through sadly, waiting to hear back! EDIT: happy to say they are replacing mine free of charge! Solid folks
Had a great chat with Steve at GNRS, I just subscribed to TRJ as theyre taking on new subscriptions. Steve sure seems like a genuine and nice guy.
I'd reup, if someone would just answer a call or an email. I had just paid my subscription when "things" happened, and have no problem donating that cost, but would like for a human to handle my new subscription payment.
Looking forward to both. I had purchased a Hop Up little book a few years back, that was printed accidentally missing content, and they replaced it both cost free and hassle free! Now, if we could convince Coonan and the Hop Up crew to possibly join together?!