I see them selling bare blocks etc. that look decent. Are they a legit company or some off shore vendor trying to tap into the performance market? Says they are based out of California, but so is Harbor Freight. Example below. https://www.speedmaster79.com/Chevy...kFHlQyM4_t10hMFhuWo7cLymky_RYdzhoC8n8QAvD_BwE
They are the outfit that had copied valve bodies built using Broader Performance's design, and the Chinese knock-off artists even copied his name/logo onto their parts. There are a few you-tube postings about that.
I was talking with @lumpy 63 and he indicated that they were a ripoff company, stealing designs. That's enough said for me to steer clear.
Australian company. Not sure where their stuff is made, but I used a set of their aluminum heads on an SBC in my '64 C-10 almost 20 years ago and they were pretty nice quality out of the box and back then, they were the most affordable aluminum heads on the market. I think I paid like $650 for the pair, complete, ready to bolt on.
Australian company, selling mostly Chinese made copies of US performance products. I dont have any personal experience with them. Stuff I've read says to stay away from their electronics. Others said they had wheels that were out of round. Some reports say that their heads don't flow as well even after a CNC porting job.
Speedmaster came along after Pro Comp Electronics. I never found out if they bought Pro Comp or came out of it. The Pro Comp stuff was questionable but the newer stuff is better quality. The valve body debacle killed their market for many people. Not in their defense but you can't keep track of all of the large companies that have copied small companies ideas. This appears to be worldwide and considered to be "business as usual" in our world. The small company probably doesn't have the resources to fight. I was told several years ago that a patent would start around 7 grand and rise from there. Does anybody have exp. with that?
Yeah, we do. My dad has patents in 2 countries and they aren't worth the paper they are written on. Just leave the US and they don't apply. Third world countries just mass produce your product and sell it.
https://speedmaster.pissedconsumer.com/review.html Haven't heard of the site before, but lots of bad reviews.
Thought Pro Comp and Speedmaster was linked but didn’t know the details behind it....is Pro Comp name marketed any more?.....their low pricing alone should raise questions and caution... everybody likes a good deal but this lesson seems to repeat itself again and again.
hot rod used them https://www.hotrod.com/how-to/sucp-1006-454-big-block-budget-engine-build-making-cents/
Hot Rod used whatever they were supplied and got ad revenue for later in the game. It's not always, but it did happen and why they lost some of the trust from readers. Take a look at ViceGripGarage's latest video where he goes to collect a bunch of cars from the Motor Trend sell-off. Once something is screwed together and photographed, it's set aside.
SpeedMaster is Procomp's new name, it's an Australian company that gets shit (and I mean that) made in China and sells it. Here's a rocker out of my daily F100, damn near killed me and another person when I was passing someone on a two lane and it broke, dropping all oil pressure, and thus the lifters bled down so no power. Put the truck in the ditch to avoid the catastrophe of a head on collision, flat spotted the hell out of my tires.
I had one dealing with Speedmaster on an air cleaner I ordered from them. It came missing parts and they tried not to make it right, but finally caved when I threatened to have the charges to my credit card refunded. Then they sent me the wrong parts after I sent them pictures of what I got so they'd know what I needed. I finally gave up and told them I wanted a refund. They gave an RTV label and I shipped them back to their California warehouse and swore I'd never buy anything they sell ever again!