Yes Chris, please get back on this project. Altho as I've said before after reading threads like yours, I might as well sell everything and take up a new hobby, like stamp collecting or butterfly catching.
There's a lot of inspiration I can pull from this... hope to see the finished product here soon! (In person would be a hoot too!) This thing is givin' me all kindsa' bad ideas....
Please tell us that this BEAUTIFUL project hasn't vanished, & is still on someone's "Back-Burner", just waiting for "work" to be resumed ?? I guess you can sorta figure out that it definitely MISSED!!
OP hasn't been on here since June 12, 2022. He hasn't seen the last several posts. Maybe someone who knows him personally could remind him we're all anxious to see the progress.
Here's video of the car from 2016 - back before the OP had it I think. Wray Schelin posted this on his FB page at the time. Incredible car
I know it's a loooooong shot, but does anyone have any information (or closure?) on this car : where is it/was it finished/more pictures/etc,etc?? It was an interesting build, especially to those of us with a "soft spot" for Crosley-based vehicles!!