I've read a lot about yes or no, as to replacing the cone-shaped bumper stops that were on my 38 coupe when I bought it. one or two are missing. Ordered replacements, but have read that they "shouldn't be used with a lowered front end, then some say yes..would appreciate advise from someone. Thanks. Old Fred
IMO - It depends on the spring. A stock tired non reversed spring works well with a rear snubber substituted for the taller front snubber. If you have a reversed eye spring installed, you will have less travel between axle and frame, maybe no snubber.
I put a short snubber above the front axle...and a taller although re-located (due to c-notch in frame) snubber above the rear axle. In both cases I verified the shocks weren't bottoming before the snubbers played their part. I've included photos.
I had to read your question 3 times and Another car guy's photos explained what you were asking. 42Merc's answer in post 2 says a lot though. With a stock spring in good shape the distance between the axle won't change, with a reverse eye spring or "dropped spring" or otherwise not stock spring the distance will be less and you may not have enough travel without hitting the bumpers all too often. On the rear again not so much bumper that you are constantly banging on it with the least bump in the road but enough bumper so that it actually works to soften the hit between the axle and frame with a lowered rig and that is a lot better than a broken frame. Now I can assure you that you will see something like what Anothercarguy showed over the rear axle in post 3 because I am saving that photo to my Idea file for my 48.
I use repro 48 Ford rear axle bumpers on the front and rear of most years. They have more of a donut shape and are softer. Install with one simple bolt and washers through the middle.
I have a Posies reversed eye spring on my front axle and the new ,stock snubbers were hitting too often. I machined about 5/8 in. off the top mounting surface and they are just right.
Thank you for all the help, photos and information@! I figured that using the long, cone shaped bumper stops I ordered (for a standard, factory frame) might cause a problem in not allowing the spring to function i..e., the bump stops "hitting the axle, before the spring could really function as intended...to flex. Having restored several "A"..I'm new to this 38 Standard coupe, and I will check out the axle tomorrow as suggested. I do like the idea of the moderate, soft "donut" style suggested. I hope to learn how to post photos here and will share what I'm "doing" if I run into a problem. Thanks again to all who responded...I will follow up when I get everything here digested.
I should have stated that it does have a dropped front axle..maybe 4"..would have to measure it hopefully tomorrow. It does have standard tube shocks on each side, I failed to mention also. Sorry for not being more specific. Thanks.
I've tried to get at least a 3 inch gap between my axles and the snubbers, more if I can. And I've hit them quite a few times. It's a lot, lot better than that metal to metal smack you can get, otherwise.