I dont really know what Im going to do with it yet. A guy next town over from me had it for sale. Being so close to me I just had to go look at it. Model T Fords are one of my favorite bodies to hot rod. I built on a few years ago and regret selling it, of course. My last T was not chopped and if I decide to build this one, Im leaning toward a radical chop this time. The body and parts are relatively rust free and the doors are excellent! It was sitting on a home built frame but I convinced the seller to sell me just the body. I also purchased the front suspension set up that was only used for mock up. I paid what I believe was top dollar, but still a fair price for such a nice and complete body. I gave him 4 grand for the body and another 500 bucks for the complete front suspension and brake setup. Here's a few pics, let me know if you think I over paid and some ideas of which way to go with it. Photo is of this T on frame with tires was how he selling it on the home built frame. PS: If anyone has an already chopped body but would like to go back to stock height, I would consider trading this one for a decent chopped body.
Nice body, no rust to repair. That saves so much time, for sure. I don't know its dollar value. The Tudor body I sold was 80% as good as yours and got $2500. You bought that front end for a good price.
Yeah, the front suspension was a great deal. I know I gave top dollar for the body, but I have a love for the 27 model T as a hot rod and it is a pretty rust free body. So, I feel it was worth it. This was one I build several years ago.....
Aren't those the "T" doors that also fit Model A pickups? If so each door is worth more than you paid.
This is just one old man's opinion, but I think a badass big engine model t that is unchopped looks 10 times cooler than a chopped one.. not to mention the fact that you've got plenty of headroom if you leave it as is also not to mention all the work involved in time... I would never think of chopping a t body, but that's just me... You are welcome to ignore
There definitely are T coupe bodies around that have sold for less than that, but if you value your time at all, it's well worth it to pay up for a clean one. That couple grand saved feels like nothing when you're a month into metal repairs and still not done, especially on a car that you would plan to paint. Or a cheap body missing the doors and/or trunk lid, it may feel like a bargain but it won't once you have to pay up to find those other bits.
And me, 34years T owner. However My first Love is A coupe, which is getting channeled, only to cover the rails. When they are channelled more than that the look gets 'toonish'. Any thing more than 3" chop I care not to look at. Ick
I don't believe you overpaid, at all. Primo sheet metal is worth every dollar you spent. Model A guys wanted the doors from mine.
Yes....I have heard that the doors and trunk lid are scarce as hens teeth! I know the reason for the doors as being also used for the model A pickup, but don't know the reason for the trunk lid being so rare. Maybe because farmers back in the day took them off and installed make shift pick up beds?
Like I said in my OP, Im not really sure what Im going to do with it yet. I liked my last one with no chop, so I may still go that route. Plenty of time to decide.
I agree! 26/27 T coupes and 2dr sedans are some of my favorite hot rods, if done right. I wont be doing a build thread on this one for quite awhile, if at all. The main reason I bought it was due to it's close proximity to me, my love for tall T's, and always looking for the next possible project. Im currently still working on the 56 Merc in the photos in the back ground. I will start accumulating parts for the T and see where it goes from there. Im an old fart, so may not be enough years to get them both done! LOL! This was the last T I built a few years ago.