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Hot Rods Quotes to live by...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Boneyard51, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. Rickybop, SS327, 2devilles and 7 others like this.
  2. tim troutman
    Joined: Aug 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,119

    tim troutman

    "He can make anything but money" said about the best fabricator I know Quote by Dave
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
  3. tim troutman
    Joined: Aug 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,119

    tim troutman

    you always paint your cars a soft 50's color I want to dump out a pack of skittles & pick a color Quote by Steve
  4. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,522


    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Einstein


    While growing up, we were always told by our teachers to be creative. What we were doing was to learn specific facts and see what stuck in place. It was a turmoil for me from first grade until 4thgrade while a teacher was so good that she was able to make big changes in all of us, including me. The 3rd grade teacher made the school a semi prison and a lot of my friends rebelled at the things we had to do to learn something we were supposed to enjoy learning.

    It, definitely, was my worst year that continues to this day as to how I had fairly ok grades, to “the worst report card in history” we were given E for excellence, N for need help, and U for unsatisfactory. Well, even after several conference with my parents, nothing could be done to raise my grades or not get bad remarks on our playground activities with other students. I was a terror in the class and on the playground. I made sports the main emphasis and was a good athlete, but the “get along with others” was not going my way. It continued until the summer of that year and a free play during the activities for that warm summer playground days.

    Then, an afterschool playground director and his assistant came into the picture and helped me funnel my aggressive tendencies towards team sports with competition against other playground teams. Now, it was “our” neighborhood kids’ team versus other Long Beach playground teams and that allowed us to work together to be the best with everyone contributing.

    That route was amazing and I flourished with the help of my teammates. So, in a way, learning to work with others to use our creative intelligence was the answer and the results were wonderful. That led into the 4th grade and the new teacher that took everyone to make them blossom with integrated activities, that fit our needs. Boy, did that work!


    So, now, it was the turning point of being a “pinhead” to a person who could actually think things through with the help of others. It was a rough process, being in the 4th grade, but the report cards and comments were so much improved. That started the slow rise to becoming more involved with other’s ideas and together, it made school fun.
    upload_2025-1-31_3-19-16.png The Flathead sedan delivery allowed me to be a little different and make others wonder why that “thing” was parked out in front of our high school everyday and what weirdo drives such a odd ball car/truck. Ha!

    In looking back to those early years, to the high school years and it all evolved into my final two years of college. Everything was starting to come together and meeting my future wife was the key to developing, either a thick skin to ward off idiot philosophies or adapt for us to get along with society. It has worked well to this “old age” era of enjoyment of life, to this point. YRMV

    A creative moment of thought, led to a wonderful photo taken by Vnak

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
  5. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,522


    “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” — Henry David Thoreau


    When we were inundated by the school teachers, other parents and school counselors as to what we wanted to become after high school. We had a lot of choices. Most of our friends wanted to be Army soldiers, firemen, and/or athletes. (No movie stars, no factory workers, no automotive racers, etc.)

    Most of our outdoor play was hosing down each other when it got hot and the normal west wind breezes did not come toward our Westside of Long Beach house. But, that did not stop us from deciding how neat it would be to ride around in a huge Red truck with the blaring sirens blasting away. We even saw them at our neighborhood fire station washing their trucks as if they were going to a car show or two.

    So, for us, it was a natural to become a fireman or athletes of some kind. What about joining the Army, well we liked digging forts in the huge grassy fields, play a war game or two and even plan an attack on some unsuspecting kids across the tall, grassy field a half of a block away. Ha !


    As we got older, we were inundated by school counselors and teachers to get an education first, to allow us the development of our minds before we got to the job market stage after high school. It was a hard road to follow after high school. High school was a fun place to find oneself versus all of the other teens trying to find themselves in the whole “big picture.” School work, dating scene, hot rods, athletics, and social norms all hit us at one time and it was hectic. But, the little reachable goals made life pleasurable and living in So Cal helped.

    Eventually, something clicked and we all got to the stage of what we did and lived to tell about it. These days, it is fun to look back and see the area when we were teens and remember the stepping stones our teachers gave us. Although at the time, we thought it was not for us. We wanted to surf, cruise around and feel the full power of a large v8 motor winding out to make our cars go fast and faster! Yikes… we were lucky to survive the hectic 1960s…YRMV

    Full acceleration on Bixby Knolls Cherry Avenue in old memories and…

  6. bobbytnm
    Joined: Dec 16, 2008
    Posts: 1,750


    I'd rather die while I'm living, than live while I'm dead
    --Jimmy Buffet
  7. Big M.
    Joined: Jan 16, 2025
    Posts: 42

    Big M.

    Lead Follow or get the HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!
  8. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,522


    “We may never know exactly why we’re here…”


    Someone, the other day mentioned why I like sports. As a little kid, I loved throwing a baseball. Well, at first, it was rocks large enough to fit my hand and I was pretty good at hitting targets. Mostly targets sitting still, but some moving, too, like birds, rabbits, and fish. The big grassy field behind our house was a great place to be an explorer and our dad always took us shore fishing in the ocean beach and rocky coves. Then it was the long road trips to fish for trout in the local mountains.

    Although it might be that my dad was good at baseball. He even played in high school through college in a semi professional baseball league in Los Angeles. But, living near a large field behind our house gave us plenty of places to throw rocks and use them for any sort of protection.

    Since I was good at throwing rocks, that led to being able to throw a little league baseball in a narrow “strike zone” taped on our backyard brick fence. If I could hit a bird or rabbit sitting a distance away, a 2 feet by3 feet taped target zone would be a snap. It was and I was now the starting pitcher for our little league team.

    So, for years, I was the "strike out" pitcher and our team won a lot of games leading to a large, “end of the year” trophy. It was from all of those years out in that large field throwing rocks. Is this or was this a sign of something larger on the horizon, like being a “Mickey Mantle” or being a World Series pitcher? It just seemed like I was destined for continuation of pitching and being able to whack the baseball over the fence in most games we played. It may have been a sign and now possibly, the road ahead for me.
    Forget the red fire engine driving or the flying jets up in the sky... sports... that was hopefully the road ahead.


    Reality during our junior high school days was playing baseball with other kids with similar styles and proficiency. It started to get harder to compete in pitching. Then as the 2nd year of baseball, I was now the third baseman and no longer pitching, unless we were down to a moment of being the relief pitcher.

    So, as a third baseman, I could still hit well. Many games later in the 9th grade, our competition against other 9th grade teams was getting more difficult as they too were good baseball players. During one last series of games, I figured out that that curve ball was easy to hit, but that curve ball that dropped, was a new thing and I just could not stand up to hit it. After being whacked a couple of times, the dropping ball from the large opponent pitcher was now, intimidating.

    I ended up in high school becoming a star football player, but did not play baseball due to the history of the episodes leading up to “seeing the light” as to my abilities. That was not my road to the future. But, luckily, I had an older brother who knew a ton of stuff about cars and actually took me under his wings for our hot rod builds and cruising. Then that led to a road ahead in all sorts of activities and our expanded family.
    The goal became, to enjoy life as it should be with hard work + getting along with others... YRMV

  9. “ Tacos are a girl’s best friend “


    chryslerfan55 and Boneyard51 like this.
  10. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,652


    They should have not put those roses in there…..and got five more tacos! :D

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2025
    SS327 and chryslerfan55 like this.
  11. As my father used to say, if it ain’t one thing it’s another.
  12. choptop40
    Joined: Dec 23, 2009
    Posts: 5,668


    If your head wasn't screwed on it would fall off....,,ha ha ha....
    X-cpe, Sharpone and Bill's Auto Works like this.
  13. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,652


    That was one of my Dad’s favorite joke! He said that was what the woman said as she walked out of the store and her nose started to bleed!
    Thanks for the memory!

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2025
  14. You’re quite welcome.
  15. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,785


    You could give that kid an anvil and in a half hour the anvil would be rendered useless.
    Don’t remember where I heard it but I’ve seen a few kids like that.
  16. deathrowdave
    Joined: May 27, 2014
    Posts: 4,330

    from NKy

    Destroy an iron anvil with a rubber mallet
  17. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,652


    When I worked at the Fire Department as master mechanic, I had a saying.” If you put three bowling balls in an elevator with a fireman, by the third floor, one ball would be lost, one ball would be broken, the last ball would be pregnant! “

  18. seb fontana
    Joined: Sep 1, 2005
    Posts: 8,958

    seb fontana
    from ct

    That happened often at work in the production departments; fixtures would come in for repair all beat to death and I would ask how many good parts were made. For some parts they had to have back up fixtures.
  19. 2devilles
    Joined: Jul 16, 2021
    Posts: 403


    Whenever I'm hungover, this one comes to mind:

    Buy the ticket, take the ride.
  20. “He can’t find his ass with both hands.” Thanks, Dad.
  21. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,522




    We are grandparent of wonderful granddaughter. She grew up with us 5-6 days of the week as her parents had just locked into two new jobs, while the stress of accommodating their lifestyle and new jobs was playing a dangerous game of priorities. Our granddaughter lived with us 24 hours for 5 days as it was easier for the “old folks” to get up when the little baby was up and work with her all day as our slow pace dictated.

    The original plan from the parents was for us to get up at the crack of dawn, when the baby woke up and drive for 3o minutes to get to their house for an all day/late night adventure. They went to work at 7 a.m. and got home around 7 p.m. That was fine for the first week, as we wanted to be the grandparents who follow the order of the parents to the letter. Yea, sure…

    But, as the standard day rolled on, it got to be a little tiring for us. The parents were away all day and we needed to have a change. So, we told them that we would be there on Monday morning and then spend the day with the baby, then toddler. But, that we would go back to our house all day. Our house was small, but larger than their condo. That was the first step for the next 5 years until kindergarten.


    So, for the first years, we had her with us, 24 hours of the day and 5 to 6 days a week. We had a great time doing things at our house and traveling around the coastal locations. Our granddaughter loved the sand and water of the local beaches... under an umbrella, of course. When school started, it was a new ball game and we stayed at her own house all day until the parents came home at night. We dropped her off, went to meetings and actually played the part of "in loco parentis." Change was ok, but that was the new schedule and we adapted to the new program.

    We always were a big part of our granddaughter’s life. Now, the massive soccer involvement took over and we also were a big part of daily practices and games, as well as friend's gatherings here and there. So, even after high school, we decided to funnel our efforts to make college life and studies a simple matter. We were now heading into a new direction, but solid support for our granddaughter’s future.

    Our lives are set and are on solid ground, while enjoying the easy going lifestyle we have set out from our own college days. But, a short detour for those years flowed into our lives. The massive amount of dance/ballet practices, travel to shows and performances was a big part of our lives, from the toddler days through high school. A low key, simple, coastal lifestyle makes everything solid for us, so now we are concentrating on helping our granddaughter’s future.

    We made college life easier for her not to worry about school. She is still getting “A” grades, melding into college life, met a ton of good friends and is enjoying what we also enjoyed as college students. That portion of her life is a no worry situation and we are happy to be a part of it as old grandparents, still involved in the future direction of her life.

    It was set in motion when she was a toddler… AND... her parents are grateful for our being there through thick and thin, always there as a solid point in our granddaughter's life...YRMV

    We even thought that a nice 1940 Ford sedan with a 327 motor + A/C would be cool to transport her to all of her school, practices, games and dance performances. We found a nice one locally and were ready to purchase it for the next step. But, that idea and purchase was nixed by her parents... Booo...
  22. verde742
    Joined: Aug 11, 2010
    Posts: 6,484


    My wife says, It ALWAYS takes longer than you think it will...

    I say, What's yer point....?

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