I have two opinions on this car, if anyone cares. I love the rear end; all of the movement is dazzling. Now, what I am not a fan of, those are not flames... its fire, big difference.
I could pick out a number of details that I would not choose, but so long as he's enjoying it, more power! I've started this with Jag IRS pics, so that's a given positive! If you have ever followed a rod with a polished jag, the light show sticks in your head. Unfortunately, they didn't include a shot here. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUGse9HxYBU This has a ton, but the only IRS shown even a little is at 40 seconds in, in shadow. www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfSxm3TzIUg
I grew up in the 70s and they were lots of these around. I thought about getting one of these many times
Some very questionable stuff, but not often you see a BB mopar T. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/650875124121590/
That accentuates one of the issues with the jag V12, the ignition right in the middle of the Vee. Hard to make custom, a mess to service. Talk about an engine that cries out for a modern distributor-less conversion.
Not exactly Batgirl, or Catwoman, but the Dynamic Duo would've been helplessly captivated by that one! Better outfit, too! . I'd ask what the C-C stands for, but... ;D . Marcus...
In other news, I HAD ( ) to take the T out today and swing by the post office. Got a few pics for thru your OT windshield thread and weighed it. I expected it to be close to or more than before at 2180. It was 1960! Both of those include 200# of me. I've replaced the floor, windshield (both heavier) and gas tank (roughly same) wheels/tires (lighter). Now this is the local landscape yard, not certified, but the same scales. I still need to do some reinforcement and an interior plus other changes, but I'm happy.