Looking for a really nice 55 for my re entry to rods. 60's look aggressive look but not radical always liked hardtops the best but now wonder whether posts might be better. At least more out there. If anyone stumbles across a really nice candidate please let me know. As good as can to start with so can start using thanks!
This is just my personal preference. My friends had these cars when I was in High School. A friend had a real nice blue and white 55 post and my brother had the same combination in a 56. Another friend had a red and white 56 Hardtop. I always liked the post cars better. The doors are more solid and you don't have the flipper issues.
Hardtops look sleeker, the roof line is beautiful. Sedans have a more serious look to them. I bought a hardtop on purpose, because I like the looks better. If it doesn't matter to you, then get whichever you can find easier. If you do like the looks of the hardtop better, then wait till you find a nice one, it'll be worth the effort. They are around still.
I read "356a" and thought maybe you are a Porsche guy. So, I clicked onto your profile. Nothing. Nada. Nynet. Zero. Zilch. How about posting a bit of an intro? Oh, yeah, welcome to the H.A.M.B. Join in, but tell us who you are and what you are into regarding cars...rods. Whatever.
If you're going for the hotrod look then the post seems to fit better imo. But on the other hand the hardtop just makes a beautiful cruiser but can go both ways. I dunno, I like the post but I'm bias too
Car looks great. Would really like to have another get together, but figured I should wait till the roads didn't look like the salt flats.
Not an original thought by any means, but I really love a red and white 55 post....it just screams authority/power to me.
Seems to me that there is a pretty good deal on a 56 post in the classified section. Things must still be slow.
I've owned over 25 55, 56, and 57 Chevys. Posts, hardtops, 4-doors and various wagons but my choice has always been the post cars. Later, Dick
These are my step dad's 57's, Silver one he has for years, the pink one he used to race but lost funds and needs alot of work to be legal to race. I like the tri 5's but there alot of them around here, like 8 in a 30 mile radius. It's all in the look on what i like. PS he painted it pink on a dare.
Well, let's see! https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/the-55-chevy-210-two-door-sedan.1218091/
For those that didn't catch it. This thread is from 2010 & the OP hasn't been on the HAMB since 2013..
I guess I’m in the minority, hardtop all the way. Had 2 55 hardtops. Sure wish I could afford another. But I could settle and have a post. Hell, I’d even settle for a nice 4 door. But it would have to be a 56 or 57. The 55 more doors just don’t do it for me. Unless it’s a wagon.
Back in the days when '55 Chevys were sold new or as the first wave of trade-in used cars, hardtops were preferred. Post cars had a stigma of "poor folks" when new or "a hand me down from Mom" sort of flavor when picked from a used car lot. There was a definite pecking order at the hamburger stand and the post cars parked in the back, in the dark. That was a long time ago. Tastes have changed. The "Golden Age of Hardtops" faded away. Very few, if any, hardtops have been made for many years. These days just pick your preference for a '55 because it doesn't matter like it did back then. I don't think it's necessary to dwell on how a half dozen cheerleaders in the back seat preferred hardtops back in the day because they weren't as claustrophobic and they could be seen better while cruising than being stuffed in post cars.