It's been kill'n me to watch Joey drive around San Francisco in his hot rod. He seems to know just what areas launch my rocket!! I lived in the Bay Area for many years, starting in the 50's. Seeing the hot rods in that area is no doubt what started my passion for cruizers of all kinds. From the '49 Ford convert with the shovel handle shifter to the '52 Ford with the polished aluminum footboard (better to see up skirts), to the '54 Chev with the "Blue Flame" six, to my buddy with the channeled (Nick hates that) '32 5W with the great flattie, to seeing the Edelbrock roadster at Kibby's when Bosio owned it, to my brothers model A and '34 4dr, they all got my 30wt run'n thin...... But, the hot rod that really got it started big time was Roy Williams roadster. The article tells the story. Roy was a butcher who lived in San Mateo, and I passed his house daily on the way home from school, grade 7. That roadster was sitting in his garage, and I couldn't help but just walk in. We got to be great friends, and I "helped" him maintain that critter. I rode around in it, and still remember the feeling. I'd flat died and gone to hot rodders heaven. He told me one day that he needed to repaint the "flames", and did I want to do it. Man, did I. I masked of the original, sanded and painted the red which is on the nose in the pictures. Then one day my life ended, Roy was moving to Cheyenne. Later in life (I did live), I went to Cheyenne many times looking, but never found that puppy..... I found out later, that the "nose" on that roadster was made by the same guy who did the 1952 AMBR car. That RPU was a "Rambler" from San Francisco, as was the Model A in the 1952 Hop up article. As I recall, Roy bought the '29 roadster from a "Rambler". So Joey, as you cruize around all my favorite spots, watch for familiar shadows, they are all around you. Gawd, I'm gitt'n emotional, gotta go now.......
The point was to show J.Ukrop some of the critters from San Francisco, and of course, how they affected me. By the way, Eddie Wendt created both of those track noses. To me they have the perfect proportion to fit the hot rods. A movie came out some years back, named "Fried Green Tomatoes"... Had not a darned thing to do with hot rods, racers, or customs, but it had a lot to do with life. A notable quote from that movie goes something like this. "Memories will last forever, or until someone stops talking about them". Has nothing to do with getting it off my chest, its all about those memories. I have always believed in sharing memories, so that they don't fade into oblivion....
Many don't like Facebook but anywhere I can connect dots works for me...this may be in Boston...apparently it was in another Rodders possession after Roy moved it on and it may have been involved in a Cali Kid situation with a bit of a chase in 1963 with some damage inflicted...and parked till sending it off...I sure hope it's in someone's hands that will give it a return to streetable condition and by the looks of things that might be quite minimal... Maybe some of you brave enough for FB might know the people responding to this blast from the past... ...this is Bill Harkness's Hotrod...he apparently acquired Roy's Hotrod and it was his Late son who may have had the altercation with the also is said to have a Hemi for power now...
I love stories about the glory days of hot rodding. I try to remember as many as I can, pass the interesting ones on to my kids someday maybe
Quoted below by Al Benson regarding the Picture above taken about 2 yrs ago... "No, unfortunately it is not. It is in a small town next to Boston. It could be bought but I do not how much if Jim Harkess has not bought it yet. the recent photo was taken by Butch Pierce." Anybody know these fellas... @cabong maybe now is your time to capture and fulfill a dream that never happened due to circumstance.
Jim Harkness is I suspect a relative of Bob Harkness who bought it from Roy Williams. Butch Pierce took the pic in storage...I can't find anything on these fellas...Butch may own Al Benson said Jim may be looking to buy it...back then...Hambers near Boston...anyone know of these Cabong find this Hotrod...
Hey Stogy, Thanks for the kind words. It's really great knowing that Roy's roadster probably still exists. I've had loads of fun bringing back several great cars over the years, but none would have the impact for me like Roy's. So many memories. I've never been overflowing with cash, and have usually had to part with something to get something new. When I fulfilled Leland Grantz' dream of finishing his '50 Chevy convert, I had to part with a '63-1/2 427 Galaxie and a '66 Custom 500 390 4-spd. Both were very nice critters, but seeing Leland smile was more important.... Any help finding Roy's roadster would be greatly appreciated......