I have a 1951 shoebox Ford custom just got it started working on bodywork. The trunk lid has serious cancer in it would like some thoughts on replacing the lid or fixing what I got. I’ll post pictures and fix it would you patch it? I hope this works
I would cut out around those holes , gradually opening up bigger till the back side of the pieces removed were not rotted on the back side. then weld a new piece back in.
Cut out past cancer , weld in new piece , use smallest diameter wire , take your time to minimize warpage
I'm shocked at how cost effective new Tig Welders are and how many home builders still insist on Mig Welding body panels. Must be the use of Body man in a Can for after welding that makes it so attractive.
If that's the only spot that's bad, I'd cut it out and weld in some new steel. Especially if the inner structure is nice. Like others said, cut out a lot more than it looks like you need to.
Thanks for that! I am fixing to start on a pretty big project with lots of sheetmetal welding involved and I should probably just invest in a tig. I have never really looked at pricing on them, but to your point, they are pretty dang reasonable. I am hoping to push my skill level chopping this car and doing more rust repair than I have ever had to before. Anyway, just what I needed to hear today. Sorry...back to topic at hand.
Sometimes it just takes a nudge to make a Large change in what we do and how we do it. If you can Gas weld, you can Tig weld and the total change in control and finish will shock you. This is the single biggest step forward you can do in improving your Skill Level.