Jive-Bomber submitted a new blog post: Movie of the Week: The Fastest Man on Wheels Continue reading the Original Blog Post
Hey fellas… Something broke on this post and I had to republish it… Sorry if your reply got deleted in the process…
How timely.......I was surfing around NetFlix the other night. There is a series of one hour stories about LA Homicides.....especially unsolved. They did a show on Mickey and Trudy Thompson being brutally murdered by hired killers put up to the crime by Mickey's disgruntled business partner. They even did a short stint at the end about Danny making another run at Bonneville in later years.
I have watched that a few times, my favorite part is the guy laying on top of the station wagon during the chase !
A funny, but serious interview with Fritz Voigt, about Mickey passing out at 375 MPH https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/r-i-p-fritz-voigt.954263/
Hello, Those were some great times when we were close by the Mickey Thompson shop in the Westside of Long Beach. Joe Mailliard opened his first shop at 1410 Cota Avenue. As the business grew, Joe Mailiard decided to move to a more accessible location across town near our old high school. Then, the photo of the same address became the M/T shop, renamed. It was a short couple of addresses to the last shop. But, at the time of the build and record run, it was on the next street over. The street was Cota and behind the last known M/T shop, which was on the main drag, Santa Fe Avenue. 1410 Cota Avenue The photo of original M/T shop was after Joe Mailliard moved to downtown Long Beach in a more public access, busier location. Also, it was larger for more shop space. But, the original Joe Mailliard Shop was 1410 Cota Avenue. Then as the sponsorships started rolling in and the supplies warehouse needed more room, After M/T moved into the old Mailliard shop, they moved to a larger shop, just down the street. Now, there was more room to build the myriad of race cars for various endeavors. 1470 Cota Avenue a larger facility on the same street. The last known address for the M/T shop was 1419 Santa Fe Avenue, the main drag of the Westside of Long Beach. (the two earlier shops’ rear fencing was the rear of the new location.) All locations were within a couple of miles from the Lion’s Dragstrip. Joe Mailliard’s last shop was over the Long Beach Freeway and the L.A. River, near our high school and a farther away location from Lion’s Dragstrip, but easily accessible. If anyone wanted to know where the employees of the hot rod shops in the area had lunch, right next door was the Santa Fe Importers, a fabulous Italian store. Down the street on PCH, was the first charbroiled burger restaurant (Golden Star) in the whole area. Jnaki Of all of the businesses o this long street, shops have come and gone. The huge welding shop, from the late 50’s, located up the street, called Bill Williams Welding is still in business. And our favorite Italian foods store (Santa Fe Importers) that was right next door to M/T’s last shop from those long ago times is also, still in business. Yummy food is a plus. The advantages of living/growing up in the Westside of Long Beach…YRMV