So, in the process of building a flathead for racing purposes and patching together another for a runner to have on hand for the inevitable project that finds me. I would like to have one of my cores reground over buying new. Who is reccomend these days some searching has turned up some members that no longer seem to be active. Maybe we could compile a list of cam grinders still practicing the trade still offering regrinds for ford flatheads. Hopefully some are members here! My list so far: last updated Feb 18 2025 COWER SCHNEIDERS. DELTA D.ELGIN CLAY SMITH not listed on the website owner George will grind good cores WEBER / WEB not currently offering grinds but plans to in the future. Will regrind lifters ISKY currently offers custom grinds on new billets or old cores but may not be able to get new billets in the future. Current cost $175 with a 2-3week turn around RACER BROWN SALT CITY SPEED SHOP OREGON CAM GRINDING
Had mine reground by Schneiders some years ago. Lost the cam information/specs and sent an email to them about 10 PM one Sat. evening. Got a reply from them an hour later with the cam specs! Now that is service!
There is a fella in or around Oklahoma City in an old quanset hut that grinds all kinds of cams including flatheads. My cousin Jeff is a good friend of his. I can get his contact info. In fact, I would like to have him do one for my 59ab. Dave
Oregon cam grinding does good work for a fair rate Oregon Cam Grinding (360) 256-7985
I hope Weber starts doing regrinds. I'd love to get an F-4 ground by them. DM @Pete1. He can hook you up with what you need. Been in the business a very long time,
Well, like you I'm curious also. I know he has been around a long time, still is, plus I talked to him direct on the phone last month. I recently bought a Hemi motor from a privet source, and it came with a brand-new Racer Brown cam in it. This specific motor is a new never fired Dodge Hemi with nearly all the new ware parts coming from H&H. I was informed by him on that call he grinds all their cams. I was doing a follow-up on several Poor-quality parts found inside this specific motor. The pile of parts I ended up with are now at my normal Motor Builder making yet another very large dent in my Wallet. Both myself and my builder normally shop Oregon Cam Grinders by choice however together decided to leave the Racer Brown cam in this build and see how it works out. The Cam, lifters and Crank are about the only ware parts we felt were worth gambling on. Oh, and at this time it looks like the Main Bearings are staying.
Delta Cams in Tacoma Wash. treated me right on several occasions. Great customer service...over and above 6sally6
Don't forget Schneider Cams. They have great original grinds as well as all of the popular Potvin grinds. They sell cams on new cores or will regrind them on your core.
Doesn’t get much better than Dema Elgin! A couple summers ago he hustled an overnite turnaround on a cam for my T so that I could make the Speedster Reunion in Lincoln, NE. Beautiful work, and was delivered with several lash/timing combination sheets to help dial it in
My favorite cam grinder is Pete one at D&L Automachine in Elbe Wash 360 569 2656 up front and great service....,.,..
A friend worked at a cam grinder he took the old Duntov 30-30 Chevy grind and put it on a SBF core with hydraulic lifters. It worked well and sounded great.
Had mine reground by D&L Automotive in Elbe, WA. 20409 SR 706 98330 Ph 306 569-2656 Think he is on the HAMB and Ford Barn, but can recall his avatar name, but think his name was Pete. Got an Isky L1007B grind. Only cost me CAN$50 to ship it (one way) , but that was in 2019. [edit] Just noticed someone else posted this a few posts back.
Pete at D&L Automotive let me know that he is retiring for a second time. He has trained the guys at Salt City Speedshop to do his work and my guess is that they may have his equipment and patterns. He told me to refer new customers to them - that they do nice work. I sent 65Standard their way and from the looks of what he got back - appears just like Pete would have done the work. Pete is a longtime friend and an original member of the FlatCAD Racing team - one Hell of a good friend and extremely knowledgeable man!
The Potvin 3/8's is one of my favorite street cams ever made . . . love them! I put one of Pete's in a 304 cubic inch flathead recently - runs like a raped ape!
We have had the guys at Delta Cam in Tacoma do a bunch of 340 cams over the years and a couple of Toyota 20-22R cams for our circle track trucks. Always great product. Dave
Pete ( D&L) did a 1007B for me a couple of years ago. I have run the 59A through break in but I'm not able to road test yet. It seems fine so far and I am pleased .
i had an S100 ground on a french core some years ago by Schneider. really great cam. redid the whole valvetrain with it. lumpy idle, great take off and pulling hard up to 5k in my 28 av8 roadster. keeps winding but didnt dare to go further..till now
absolutely Schneider refers to Literio L100 on their website for the S100 although you can find slightly different specs on the internet but hey, still a great cam for a hot Flathead