guy's I'm trying to figure out what's a good low pressure fuel regulator, seems like running 1 with a return line is the way to go (I don't know), there's 100's for sale and prices are all over the board. **** I want like 1-4psi as I'm running 3x2 strombergs and need low pressure (2psi), Thanks--running a Mallory #29386 at present-but it's a 4-12psi, 2 gauges say I've got it down to 2psi (has no return)
I have a 59A Ford flathead and running two England Stromberg 97's on an Eddie Meyer hi rise intake manifold. After a bit of experimentation I now use a Holley 12-804 fuel pressure regulator. Stromberg carbs don't like a lot of fuel pressure and I have the Holley set at 1.5 pounds. The Holley 12-804 range is 1 to 5 pounds of fuel pressure. This Holley fuel pressure regulator works perfectly and is also reasonably priced. Don't know about a return line. I don't use one.
Thanks Quick, was looking at the low press Holley's but a lot of guy's saying they can't even put the right reg in box. low-vs-higher volume
Several years ago I installed a "Malpassi" brand regulator, the adjustment is very sensitive, several models are available. I would never use anything else. Available on eBay, ordered it from a vendor in England. Delivered in less than a week. Tom
Thanks Tom, I've been trying to find any reviews on that Malpassi- seems simple and good quality, shit rolls and Ferrari uses them, and they make 1 with return line....
There is no such thing as a low pressure/return style regulator, or at least there wasn't when I built my roadster. I have an in tank high volume pump that I needed to knock down to 2 PSI for my Strombergs. I had to installed a Holley 12-879 (or similar unit) on the frame rail under the car, it has a return line to the tank and can lower pressure to 4 PSI. AND a Holley 12-804 that I mounted on the blower to take the 4 PSI to 2 PSI. Surely there is a better and cheaper way to do it but 10 years ago, this is how I did it and it works great to this day.
I have never had much luck with regulators. Either they are ugly or not very dependable. For the past two years I have been running a K&N 2psi electric pump feeding the two 97s on my banger. Never had an issue. Warren
YA, holley has a 1-4or5 psi w/return, but holley is a real 50/50 deal, they don't even put number on pump and guy's think they are getting higher pressure reg in low reg box.
I don't know if you sourced and built those yourself, but if you got them done for you, I'd ask the carb builder. I bet they have a lot more feedback and experience than most of us with only a few or one car setup and probably more current experience. Those old twist dial ones are universally hated here and in my own experience, but that's old talk.
I've been running one of the Holly 12-804 regulators for a number of years now with no problems, does the job well. I went to the Holly after having problems with two of the Mr Gasket regulators, bot started leaking on me creating fire danger, no such issues with the Holly. Also, no return line needed. If you were having problems with vapor lock a return line might help reduce the temp of fuel in the line, otherwise I'm not sure what the benefit might be.
Facet fuel pumps are available dialed in at 2 psi. I really like mine, quiet as a church mouse. I also use a malpassi regulator mostly cause I like the way it looks.
Malpassi is the best , they even stabilize the fuel pump palpitations because of their large diaphragm and improve idle quality and come in a wide variety of configurations , fabricator john miss you dad
The twist and turn ones are awesome , they self regulate automatically . Really I hate them , they really do adjust as they please ,be it up or down , despite how you set them . Rubbish.
Yo can 'T' a fuel injection 'poppet' valve into your fuel line anywhere between the fuel pump and carburetor, set you pressure with it and it'll return the excess fuel back to the gas tank or even the inlet of the fuel pump. It looks like another fuel fitting, blends right in, and not like a fuel regulator bolted to the firewall.
Had a little look OJ, but couldn't see how they work or install, don't suppose you have any more info?
Ive had great luck with WIX 33040 filter with return, it only allows about 3 psi to the carb and the rest returns to the tank. It wont do the 1.5 psi you're looking for but may help others. With the $5 price they are an easy first try.
This is the high pressure reg with return (carburetor model), mounted under the car. It drops pressure to 4 PSI. This is the 12-804 on the back of the blower to drop it to 2 PSI.
CJ7 fuel filter. Has built in return line. Mount it slightly above the carbs needle. I mean slightly like a 1/4” .
I finally remembered to copy them, here are 2 photos of the same bypass on a SBC, the bypass 'T's into the outlet of the pump (its the brass thingy) and sends extra fuel back to the incoming line to the pump. The bypass can go anywhere in the high pressure side of your fuel system and return back to anywhere in the low pressure side or the tank, whatever is easier for you: Its is a springloaded 'poppet' valve and you can set the pressure with internal shims, use air pressure to set the opening pressure before installing it into the fuel system. You can get them from Enderle, AlkyDigger or I might have the odd one laying around and can fix you up with all the fittings like in the photos.
This is all you need. Fuel injection systems use return lines due to their very high pressure. It's not needed for a carb.
There's several different types, I bought the one with a pipe thread. I just bought 2 from here also in California: