I’ve been seriously thinking about chopping my 39 Convertible and this car really trips my trigger. Wondering if a HAMB’er owns it. Anyway, I’d like to talk to whoever owns it and get a few details on the chop job. This thing is perfect.
I would talk to Wescott as they produce a 1939-40 convert 2" chop body. 2022WescottWebCatalogMaster.indd
Thanks. It’s a steel car. I pulled that pic from some coverage of The Gathering at The Roc last fall. I’d like to talk to the owner to see if that’s about a 2” chop, and how they handled the top mechanism. Whether they chopped the irons, or sunk the top into the body and stretched it, and so on. I’ve got lots of questions. Lol. Thanks for your reply.