One of my good friends Bill Michaelson built this bitchin period perfect 54 Ford glasstop about 25 or so years ago. He sold it maybe around 2006 or 7 and it went somewhere east maybe Pennsylvania. He passed away in 08 and I always wondered what happened to the car. It is pretty flashy and I can't believe I have never seen a picture of it posted online. Anyone seen it???
No idea where it went to, but also curious to know it's current whereabouts. Seems like there were a shitload of custom cars build in the 90's and early 2000's that seem to have vanished like this, I wonder where they all went.
That's a beauty and as JJ pointed out a lot of customs have made their way overseas, I have a thing for '54 Fords and this one is a knock out. I would love to see more photo's , Bill did an outstanding job.HRP
unless they changed it , it would still have a purple glass top. Billy made the vac form mold and made the top himself
For some reason, it seems like I have seen a similar pearl white car with a purple glass top for sale in the last few years. But, I have no idea if I am just dreaming that or not. I can’t imagine wanting to cover up that paint job other than some people just have bad taste.
That checks a helluva lot of my boxes, since I love East Coast customs. Hope you find it, and it's not been changed into something boring.
Cool! car! Was it in one of the Mad Fabricators vids in 2009 or 10 or am i imagining things?Might try Rik Hoving or Kustomramas website?
I have a feeling that this could be the cause of another addition to Mark's house if found unscathed.
no, i am totally full up here. I am just curious is all. such a flashy car, it is hard to believe the nobody has seen it
Guess he replaced stock glass/plastic top of a model Ford called “sunliner”. Just looked at stock one last week with rare factory installed plastic insert /window in hood to show off new engine. Wonder now, was that 53 or sunliner 2 year option?
What was the name of the custom collector guy from North Dakota that used to be on here? Hasn't posted in a long time,might have passed away but he seemed to know where so many old customs were. Long shot but maybe one of his buddies may know something. A slim lead but it's nearby.