Any "ball park" estimate what a complete dual ex. system should cost for a stock 40 coupe. This would be everything from front to back. I know this difficult to estimate but humor me just the same.
500-1,200 Ball Park Guestimate, maybe more. Probably more with steel going up. Depends if you get Aluminized, galvanized or stainless. Regular steel finish or polished.
I had a complete front to back aluminized pipe system put on my 40 coupe about 4 years ago and the cost was about $1000 plus $340 for the pair of stainless Flow Master Hush Power muffles. Nice job all tucked up with nothing showing below the car plus no rattles.
If I was having a shop do the work, in stainless, with stainless wire so I can polish it...$2000 and that is with me supplying the mufflers. It is why I try to do my own with pre-bends and straight pipe.
This is a pretty laid-back town, and right now with racetracks closing around us, the shop owner has started doing street exhaust work.
Yep, same here Andy. I don’t think I have ever left more that $250 at an exhaust shop before for a complete dual system. Even recently, our local exhaust guy did work for what I thought was almost too cheap to make a living. Anyway, he passed away a couple years ago now so I suspect I will have to do my own exhaust after hearing prices being quoted here.
When I did the dual exhaust and headers on my '40 I got it all from Red's Headers. They had everything pre-bent and set up to work with Smithy's mufflers which they also sold
The piece/pre bent stuff is o.k. if you can do some form of exhaust welding. I bought a set off craigslist and used it on one side of a coupe. Had a full job done by a shop, around $700. many years ago, over the axle and out the rear-beautiful job that lasted (alum. pipe), now it would prob. be 1,500 or more.
right now i am charging $1000 for a dual system. any manifold/stud work or anything besides alumized pipe or regular mufflers is extra