This is the stuff that used to be recommended for GM limited slip rear ends, but it is no longer available as far as I can tell. What shows up now is GM 10-4003. Is this acceptable for an early 70's corporate GM LSD? Do you need more than 1 bottle? Pic below:
I have some of the old stuff.... (the new stuff probably works, and you probably need one bottle per fill)
Hello, Here is the latest offer from Amazon. Yes, the old Positraction Oil smelled like fish. After I changed the complete third member in my brother's 58 Impala, my hands smelled like I worked in the Star Kist Tuna fish canneries in Terminal Island. It took me lots of soap, alcohol cleaner, and this stuff my mom had. Then years later, I used Amway hand cleaner and on other times Amway, L.O.C. Liquid Organic Cleaner solution. One small dab and instantly the smell went away. as well as soft feeling hands and clean nails. It is also safe, in case one gets some in your nose, mouth and eyes. Jnaki So, the product is available, but I do not know if it still smells like fish. If so, follow the products above to get it off instantly. No more rough soap. Do not use Goop as it is petroleum based and now your hands smell like gasoline. Plus, it is very dangerous to your health and eyes. If one reads the caution label, it is a wonder that the product is still on the market. The Amway product is safe, faster and does not leave a smell. Even though I showed the local mechanics how well their hands smelled when they tested the products, they all laughed and reached for their own can of goop. Sometimes, old habits are worthless if something new works better than the old. The garage owner was impressed, but he had just purchased a 55 gallon container of industrial gas smelling "hand cleaner," and his mechanics used it. So, buy the Positraction oil and even if it takes several bottles and/or a little is left. You always have extra for a refill. YRMV
Most all...(quality) synthetic oils are ideally suited for limited slip (clutch type) differentials. For those with stainless steel based firearms, I found the older (and probably the current) "positraction" additive works great. I used to have an all stainless semi-auto 44 magnum. Every time that I shot it, the bolt try to gall into the frame. I tried most all lubricants that I could find. This was before the the current synthetic oils were made. Nothing worked. Then I tried the little bottle of the posi. lube that I had, it worked great. No more galling, and almost no scratches at all. Mike
I like this one better. It's a few bucks less, also on Amazon!
I'm thinking that the old original GM posi gear oil or additive used whale oil and when that was banned the formula got changed. That was sometime in the mid 1970's when the ICW issued a trade ban on Whale products. I was working in a Pontiac dealership in Texas then and remember my buddy who was a parts man there saying that they were changing the formula.