I have a pair of Carter-weber carbs, on a 235. One of them started spewing fuel. Can someone tell me what I can tell a parts counter guy what I actually have in order to get gaskets and floats? I have seen several places that these were a standard carburetor for Ford Escorts or something from early 80's? EDIT, I'm finding Holley or Motorcraft "740" Seems to match. No parts local, just NOS stuff on ebay. Might be time for some Rochester B carbs.
Sounds a whole lot like a Weber 32/36 or a 36/38. Is yours a progressive 2bbl? If so, that should get you close. (size of the primary & secondary). The factory versions weren't as tunable as the aftermarket, but still decent. Marcus...
Look at '78-'80 Ford Fiesta. They used that carb. (32/36?). Rockauto has a bunch of parts and pictures for these. You might be able to match up what you need. https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog...1128282,fuel+&+air,carburetor+repair+kit,5964 Mike
I'd go with some Carter YFs before the Rochester Bs. What manifold for a 235 has dual 2bbls or do they have adapters.
A bit of an update - I found some gasket sets and floats online. Hopefully they're correct. Clearly parts are not readily available for this model. In my research, these seem to also be called Holley Motorcraft 740. Another point I wanted to make, even though slightly off topic for this thread, is that I really don't care for the looks of these carbs. Non-traditional. But up until this failure, they've been wonderful performance wise.
Tom Langdon sold a bunch of the carbs over the years for the 235-261 sixes. I can't say if he's still around, but I did find a number for his Stovebolt Engine Co. in Utica, MI. (810) 739-9601. Also try posting on the Inliners International forums - sombody there is bound to have some info!
I think mine are from a 70's Pontiac Astre, same as a Vega. I think I got kits from O'Reily's. Around $45 each as I remember.
I bought a pair from Langdon about 8-10 years ago. Mine were from an 82 Escort/Mercury Lynx..I bought a bunch of spare parts (carb kits, choke stats, etc.) from Rock Auto dirt cheap. Langdon is still around, but pretty much out of business according to his website. I’m sure he’ll help out if he’s available. I assume o tags attached to the air horn screws?