For years I've had a photocopy of an excellent clutch linkage article in my toolbox. Some @#$&! mice decided to use it for bedding. I'd like to find another copy but I don't know exactly what issue it came from. It was in an about 1975 to 1982 Popular Hot Rodding. It started on page 30. Does anyone with an extensive magazine collection have the time to try and find it? If you can scan it great, if not I'd just like to know what issue I need to look for.
You'll find similar articles and much much more in the HP Clutch and Flywheel Handbook by Tom Monroe from the '70s, and still available.
Popular Hot Rodding was one of my favorite car rags in the late 60's/70's, don't recall this article but the OP and Mark have done a huge service to people needing this information. When I built the clutch linkage for my roadster I used the "that looks about right" approach, sure hope it works, I'm using a Centerforce clutch so it may work fine.
no problem. you better get a garage cat... the idea of mice in the garage eating holes in interiors etc terrifies the crap out of me....
Hello, To preserve those magazines and other car related stuff. One needs to get a set of ultrasonic devices to place in electric outlets. One covers a normal size room. For a two car garage, I would put two, across from each other. No mice, no creatures and trouble free surfaces due to the sound of "nothing" banging in those puny brains. It works, despite what 80 % of people think. Just as a test case, we have not had any mice in the whole house, let alone in the garage with these devices. They give off a slight blue glow and act as a night light when wandering around at 3 a.m. In the garage attic, we have several boxes of our son's valuable comic collection. Not one dropping anywhere in the attic, due to a single device up there. They work as my neighbor hates these things. But, he is willing to set mechanical traps with cheese, peanut butter and even bacon to trap the little critters. Sure, he captures them, but now he has to look at those bulging eyes when he disposes them in his trash can wrapped and sealed in a plastic bag. If he catches them on the day after the trash services has come by to empty the neighborhood cans, he has to endure the smell for a week of rotting whatever... Luckily, his cans are on the other side of his house. Jnaki We had lived in another house for 23 years. The last several years, we were using the ultrasonic devices. When we moved to this current house in 2000, there were mice running all over the yard and in the roof. Once I installed the in-house devices, no more mice anywhere. Just to be safe, since the garage door is sometimes left open, I installed two devices in those outlets. So, from 2000 to 2025, we have not had any mice on our property. They are not placed outside, as they are not outdoor devices. But, those critters that are in the plants and scrub near our house stay far out of range of the devices emanating from the inside of the house/garage. You can be a naysayer, but they work and we will continue to use them. Our neighbor still uses traps to catch his mice. Cats create their own health problems for people. So, be warned, about cat poop-air pollution... YRMV "the idea of mice in the garage eating holes in interiors etc terrifies the crap out of me...."
Popular Hot Rodding magazine was always my favorite as a kid growing up with no money, no tools and not much of car. Only dreams of someday. The in depth tech articles were the best! You could learn a lot from them. I still enjoy reading the issues I still have today.