I have a Riley 2 port . Had for 40 years .Stan Vermel built it the last time. Never been happy with it. Runs ok, but he used a Mazda dist. What's a better dist ? Thanks
Being as Stan is gone, you might contact someone from the Ford A Speed Technology (F.A.S.T.) club, & there are several in your area. They specialize in pre-'36 Ford 4cyl motors & speed equipment (Stan was a member prior to his passing)
Not a ton of new choices. I'd probably look at the FS ignition https://www.fsignitions.com/ Or a used vintage Mallory to rebuild. Do you just need to adjust the Mazda distributor? Maybe some advance spring adjustments? Is the spark not hot enough? What issue are you having?
Could you better define your expectation of “better”? I suspect the Mazda dizzy is equipped with electronic ignition and centrifugal advance, what more can a banger ask…? I know a fella in Elk Grove with a chassis dyno if you want to try to nail down what is really happening