March 1966 dad took delivery of the GTO he ordered. Two months later, I was almost born in it as his rote to the hospital was interrupted by a Memorial Day parade. His passing this July just wrecked me. The fog is lifting now, I dug out the pictures of it. That's me sitting on the fender.
Dad swapped cams and mail ordered an advance curve kit from Royal Pontiac. Anyone remember the Tohm McCan cars?
chevy57dude - sorry about the loss of your father last July. Its tough to lose someone so close, especially when you share the same interests. He had great taste in cars! Was his GTO Marina Turquoise or Blue? I can't tell from the pictures. My Dad also had a 66 GTO. He didn't buy it new but he loved that car. This GTO had absolutely no rust anywhere but every body panel on it had a small dent or crinkle of some sort. My Dad drove that GTO like it was on fire! In these pictures my Dad was showing off his new convertible top. When he bought the car, the salesman told him it had a special color ( Tiger Gold???), but it doesn't look like Tiger Gold to me. I still have the California front license plate hanging in my barn.
This reminds me of a goat I had years ago..... It had been given to me by a coworker to eliminate a huge blackberry growth (about 1/2 acre) that I had been battling. That damned goat started at one end and munched his way through it in about two months! My Mother, being the farmgirl that she was, liked farm animals and each time she came to visit she would also go out by the barn and visit the goat (probably a better conversationalist than me) and EVERY time she turned her back on him he would butt her in the ass!! Good thing she had a great sense of humor!
@Chief 64 - Thank you. Dad's car was blue. He had full instrumentation, posi, wide ratio 4 speed and 3.55s. I just looked back at the pics and saw the ignition amplifier and Hurst & Crane stickers. Your dad probably enjoyed his car! Love those '66 tail lights.
I welded the Convertible bits from a 69 Skylark into a rubber nose 72 to build this clone over 20 years ago. Has held up well, especially for work I did when I was 21, although I put the quarter stripes on backwards. I did get the trunk fitted better this summer. I also have this PHS'd 4 speed 70 Judge project, but it is probably getting traded away this summer. A worthy car, but more project than I'll likely ever finish.
What a sight at the end of the road... Hello, One mid morning road trip to Newport Beach for some business and the whole coastline drive back home came up with odd results. We saw a cool red Ford f100 truck rolling down the coastal highway. Then we saw a what looked like a Model A roadster coming towards us in the opposing traffic. It was not a Saturday morning, so the hot rods and cruisers were not out in force, but seeing a cool Ford truck and a roadster makes any day fun. It must have been the big blue ocean, the clear blue sky and the endless horizon to the nearest island, just “26 miles away.” (26 miles across the sea…etc.) Actually, where my wife and I were driving, the island is about 40 miles away. With the large passenger cruiser boats on charter, it takes about an hour to get from the mainland to the island out in the ocean coastal waters. Jnaki But, as we continued our coastal road trip South down the shoreline, we came across one last beach for a short rest stop to take in all that it offers. We weren’t the only ones on this beautiful day. It was actually a perfect day for photographs of a portion of the West coast and a nice old convertible. The owner and a friend were discussing the cool white Pontiac convertible sitting just steps away. Actually, my wife and her inclination towards convertibles started back in 1950, but as much as she likes them, she knows the plus and minus items every convertible offers. So, we have not purchased one as yet. YRMV Early ones make a lot of noise from road + other cars and wind noise. The retractable hardtop convertibles are off topic and still need some styling re-design to look like an actual sleek coupe.
From a railfan site: "Unloading mishap at San Antonio, Texas. Judging by the Pontiac hood ornament this must have been about 1965. There was a small downtown yard at this location in those days near the Missouri Pacific Passenger Station"