Right now I've got these old Ford steelies on it. The rears are reversed, done the old (shitty) way. Nobody really does chrome around here but I think they would look great cleaned up and chromed. I have a couple other pieces of bling like that chrome, V'd headlight bar. I am dreaming up some red pinstripes on the fenders.
It surprises me how straight and smooth the frame is right up to the horns... don't know if I should keep trying to straighten these up or just cut them off and replace. Cheap enough. Might be a bitch to get the fenders right with them all tweaked. Sid has welded the front crossmember in (on one side) so I'm lucky it looks to be in good shape.
Wimbledon is a bit heavy on the cream for me. Snowshoe feels just right to my eye- especially because I plan to balance it with some red. Found a crunchy spot, easily patched. Door is nice on this side... Managed to identify the shocks.
If you at Wimbledon White PPG code 937979 it has a Green cast to it and the GM white 817 of the same era has a blue cast to it making it appear brighter. The newer YZ Oxford White is a brighter white also. But I have always leaned to 817 Fleet White
Go with your gut. All of us only see the pictures. You are moving along at a good pace, so take this with a grain of salt. If you soak, then remove the windshield screws, you can let the frame soak in evaporust or your own concoction and have it work while you work on some thing else.
I have no idea what's going on here. The only thing holding the windshield in was the two thumb nuts on the sliders. I believe on my truck the windshield hinge screws in from below. It almost looks like Sid had it hanging from the side but I don't think it actually reaches. Not sure if I can install a new header with the filled roof...
Lol yes of course it's wood - the header is wood in this car. This just looks like a homemade one. I don't understand how Sid had the windshield attached. Anyway... chassis paint is happening: And I started on the transmission mount. Hopefully get this done today. Lunch break for now...
Ok, welds are kinda questionable but I'll carve them up and do another pass. Shitty flux core welder and no PPE... hehehe Got the other quarter in primer...
That's a wrap for today. Supposedly, the shop will be going up tomorrow... so the next update might be from my domain.
Shitty flux core welder and no PPE... hehehe Please don't do that! When I was young I did all kinds of stuff with no PPE even though everyone told me not too. Well now I'm paying for it! My eye sight is shot to hell from welding with no glasses/shield, my hearing is gone from no hearing protection, I now have 3 different inhalers from not wearing a mask. You're a young man and have a long road ahead of you, take care of yourself... you'll be glad you did!
You're right of course! I am not the carefulest guy ever (Robin's badger comment earlier alludes to an incident where I put my hand through a steel wire wheel and then, thinking the odds of it happening twice were low, promptly did it again within minutes). I do try to take care of my lungs and eyes and was wearing a hood but I should get in the habit of gloves and sleeves.
Gas cap? Regardless seems like an odd place for a vent. Vented caps have been around since first used.
This is just a scientific wild ass guess, but maybe the fitting on the gas cap was to provide pressure into the fuel tank?
That's kind of what I was wondering but not sure what the point would be. It had an electric fuel pump on the original outlet supplying the Hillborn injection pump... wouldn't think it'd be necessary to pressurize the tank, maybe it was a return??
Could have been a cap used on another car that did have a hand pump to pressurize the tank. Lots of gathered parts back then, or hand-me-downs.