Tom's Place, still there. My son and I, and now with my grandson, go fishing once a year along the 395 and always hit Rock Creek. Best part of the state.
Hello, What a classic photo for a little kid. It might be because those times when being little kids, we could be put anywhere due to being fairly lightweight. Or, it was an out of the way place to keep us there until our dad’s hands could be free to finish his particular job. The car fender was taller than being a little kid, so, we were there for the long haul, or until our dad could pick us off of the fender and move along. From 1946 to 1948, our family lived in a trailer park in the eastside of Long Beach. There were a lot of our relatives and friends living there. It used to be an inexpensive place to live for the Aircraft Industry workers that had jobs nearby. It was government owned and one of the only places a lot of folks could afford. The dividing line between the Eastside and Westside of Long Beach, being the Los Angeles River that flowed from far inland to the ocean on the coastal shoreline near the downtown area. On many days, when our dad was home, he lugged around his large camera and was taking photos of just about everything. Our old photo album were a historical event for our family as our dad documented how we lived, where we lived and where we traveled when we could. It was a fairly inexpensive place and it was close by to the sandy shorelines of Seal Beach, Long Beach, Terminal Island and San Pedro beaches. Jnaki Since my brother was more active at this stage in our lives, he was usually off and running around with his friends and neighbors. I was usually enjoying being by myself and there were lots of things to play with around our dinky trailer. The manager's double wide trailer in the background. Our trailer was short. The manager lived about two trailers down and he had a larger unit. But, overall, the majority of trailers in the vast multiple block, trailer park was mostly small trailers for small families. So, what does our dad do for fun? He breaks out his camera and starts taking photos of the trailer park and its family surroundings. It was nice of him to do this as many years later, my brother and I had some kind of early family history, to go along with our memories of being cramped into that dinky trailer for at least two years. Bell Bottom overalls in 1946? They were hand-me-downs, so they looked like wide leg pants…It was not until the mid-60s that the bell bottoms came into play for us older twenty something kids… YRMV